Times Of Swaziland: CHICKEN THIEF DISARMS, KILLS SOLDIER (53) CHICKEN THIEF DISARMS, KILLS SOLDIER (53) ================================================================================ BY ANDILE NSIBANDE on 07/11/2018 02:07:00 HLATIKHULU – A soldier reportedly got disarmed and killed, while another man was seriously injured as a suspected chicken thief went on the rampage early yesterday morning. The alleged chicken thief is currently on the run with a stolen gun, following the brutal attack, which saw the soldier bleeding to death. Witnesses revealed that the armed member of the Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force (UEDF) met his death during the wee hours of yesterday while trying to intervene and capture the fleeing chicken thief, who had already injured another person earlier on during a night home invasion at New Warm in Hlatikhulu. Notification The 53-year-old soldier’s identity is known to this publication, but will be withheld for now, pending notification of his next-of-kin. It all started when a neighbour of the deceased soldier was woken up by chickens, which were squawking loudly in the middle of the night at his homestead. Suspecting that someone was stealing his chickens, the neighbour went out to investigate. At that moment, the intruder noticed the 37-year-old man as he got out of the house and ran away. But he tried to pursue him. The owner of the invaded homestead and the alleged thief were known to each other, according to residents. Tripped As the man was following the suspect, he reportedly tripped over a fence. According to a witness, the alleged chicken thief noticed that the man had fallen to the ground and allegedly returned to stab him with an unknown sharp object, before leaving him for dead. The victim sustained serious injuries to his upper body, but managed to scream for help while lying in a pool of blood. The person who responded first when the injured man raised the alarm happened to be the UEDF member, who found him lying in agony. Realising the serious nature of the victim’s wounds, the soldier immediately arranged for transport to ferry him to hospital, where he dropped him off before he proceeded to report the incident to the police. After leaving the Hlatikhulu Police Station, where he had reported the matter, the enraged soldier went looking for the culprit, who was known to be troublesome in the area.