Times Of Swaziland: PAC RECOVERED OVER E100M UNDER THULI DLADLA PAC RECOVERED OVER E100M UNDER THULI DLADLA ================================================================================ BY BONISILE MAKHUBU on 17/11/2018 08:35:00 MBABANE – Under the leadership of Thuli Dladla between the years 2009-2018 the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) recovered over E100 million. Central Bank of Eswatini Governor Majozi Sithole announced that government was losing E80 million per month due to corruption. Sithole said while the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) was seen to be fighting corruption, there was a dire need to set up courts specifically for trying corruption cases. Tactics The PAC, which was led by now Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Thuli Dladla, used tactics which allowed it literacy in collecting the money from the people involved. While previously, the PAC only recommended that the culprits be reported to the police or be taken for disciplinary hearings, Dladla was of the view that they should also pay back the misappropriated funds. “We would make those recommendations and entrust the controlling officers to make sure that the money was recovered but each time we made follow-ups one or two years later, it would turn out they had not collected it. So we decided to take it upon ourselves,” said Dladla when commenting on the PAC’s achievements under her leadership. embezzled She said the great team she worked with, together with the clerks, supported her to make sure that the money embezzled by the civil servants and suppliers was paid back to government. Records reflect that between 2015 and 2017 over E49 million was recovered. In 2015 money that was paid back amounted to E19 120 284, the following year it was E14 903 266 and in 2017, it was E15 900 118. Dladla explained that taking the front seat when dealing with these matters helped a lot, especially in other countries where they travelled to because there was high respect for Parliament. “We went to recover government’s money in countries such as Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique and Denmark. We were successful because most of these countries held Parliament as an institution of high esteem and they made sure that due action was taken,” she said.