Times Of Swaziland: NAPSAWU PUNCHES HOLES IN STRATEGIC ROAD MAP NAPSAWU PUNCHES HOLES IN STRATEGIC ROAD MAP ================================================================================ Sibongile Sukati on 04/06/2019 10:01:00 MBABANE - NAPSAWU has punched holes in the Ewatini Strategic Road map 2019-2023, stating that despite being a major stakeholder, they were never consulted. NAPSAWU is the National Public Service and Allied Workers’ Union. In a statement issued by the organisation’s secretary general yesterday, the union said it was conscious of the fact that the country had produced a number of documents that looked impressive on paper, but were only just that. “A large part of the turnaround strategy is to be implemented by ministries of government. Unfortunately, the civil service has not had a cost-of-living adjustment for the past two years,” reads the statement in part. The statement reads that as a result, the moral of the civil service was very low and these were the people who were expected to implement most of the components of the strategy. “To implement anything you need a highly motivated workforce which you cannot have under the prevailing conditions,” reads the statement. The Secretary General, Thulani Hlatshwayo, said the unfortunate thing was that no administration ever looked at what caused failures of the previous governments. It was stated that they were therefore of the opinion that so long as the country’s executive was constituted of individuals who were then made to act as a collective, the policies they came with would only be as good as the paper they are written on. “A country’s policies should be canvassed as widely as possible, which is never the case in all the policies of governments in this country. We have had the Economic and Social Reform Agenda (ESRA), Smart Programme on Economic Empowerment and Development (SPEED) and all other similar documents that are only a reflection of the thinking of the executive and those close to them,” it was stated. NAPSAWU reported that the only document on which views of the citizens were truly canvassed was the original NDS which sought to deal with the true ills of the countr,y not the symptoms.