Times Of Swaziland: LAW SOCIETY TO PUBLISH ALL COMPLIANT LAWYERS LAW SOCIETY TO PUBLISH ALL COMPLIANT LAWYERS ================================================================================ Sithembile Hlatshwayo on 17/06/2019 08:38:00 MBABANE – In a bid to put its house in order, the Law Society of Swaziland (LSS) will publish all lawyers who are in good standing in terms of the Legal Practitioners Act. he list will be published on Wednesday through the country’s print media. In a notice issued on June 11, 2019, Vice President of the LSS Lucky Howe said a list of all members in good standing was available for inspection at the LSS offices until last Friday. This exercise was for lawyers to ensure that their names were not omitted by mistake. Law Society Treasurer Thabiso Mavuso said after the publication of the list, members of the public will deal with those lawyers who did not appear at their own risk.Mavuso said publishing the names of the legal representatives who were in good standing was to assist the public to excercise caution. “If a client faces a problem with a lawyer who is not in good standing, they should not at any point approach LSS.” Suspended He said although non-compliant members would not be removed or suspended from practice, they would have a challenge in practising until they meet the required expectations. According to Mavuso, those lawyers in good standing needed to have paid subscriptions for Fidelity Fund, audited financials for the previous year and also up to date with their LSS subscriptions. Recently, the Attorney General (AG), Sifiso Khumalo, wanted lawyers who were not in good standing to be suspended from practice for allegedly failing to comply with the Legal Practitioners Act. He accused them of having failed to submit to him their trust account certificate, which had been signed by an auditor of chartered accountant. Khumalo in his endeavour moved over 21 applications at the High Court where he was seeking orders for the removal of attorneys who failed to comply with the Act. According to LSS, the AG does not have powers to apply for the suspension, removal or expulsion of lawyers from practice.