Times Of Swaziland: HOPE FOR REJECTED STUDENTS HOPE FOR REJECTED STUDENTS ================================================================================ BY MELISA MSWELI on 08/10/2019 01:11:00 MBABANE – Government has sent an SOS to all the universities who have students who were left out when scholarships were awarded, not to chuck the learners out of class. This is because government is pulling all stops to ensure that the students continue with their studies without any glitches. The SOS is for those students who were accepted by the various universities and started learning in anticipation that government would award them the scholarship. As things stand, luck may be on the side of some of the students. There are close to 800 students who applied for scholarship and commenced classes only to find out that they did not get financial assistance from government. Attempt In an attempt to assist the students, government has released a list of some students who could stand a chance of getting scholarship, requesting the different institutions not to chuck them out of class as yet. Confirming the list and plea to tertiary institutions was acting Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Norman Gamedze, who said it was not all the students who were accepted at the various tertiary institutions who formed part of the current list. He said it was only those with exceptional results who were competing. “Akukhulunywa ngabo bonkhe bantfwana but kukhulunywa ngalabo labavela embhikwe scholarship board kwakhandzakala kutsi baya qualify kepha basala ngendzaba yetinkinga ta Hulumende netimali,” said Gamedze in vernacular. In the interim, he said they wrote letters with the lists attached, requesting the tertiary institutions to let the students continue with classes while government was trying to find a way to help them. Gamedze said by the end of next week, the ministry would have a clear direction of what was going to happen. Source When asked where they were going to source the funds as they had, in the first place, left them out because of finances, Gamedze said that was what they were working on as they were currently engaging different authorities to get the money. “We are currently touching base with relevant authorities to find out if they can get assistance,” he said. Worth noting is that the students had gone to the extent of asking Members of Parliament (MPs) to assist them in funding their tuition fees. Most of them were reportedly still attending lessons at the various tertiary institutions, as some had managed to pay part with the E5 000 registration fee while others resorted to stopping attending lessons. In some institutions, the calendar indicates that its week 10 of the current academic year and others were preparing for their tests and projects.