Times Of Swaziland: JOMO MURDER: 2 BUSINESSMEN ‘LOCKED UP’ JOMO MURDER: 2 BUSINESSMEN ‘LOCKED UP’ ================================================================================ BY MFANUKHONA NKAMBULE on 01/12/2019 00:12:00 MBABANE – Breakthrough! Two prominent businessmen are currently in police holding cells after they were on Friday rounded up and further taken in for investigation regarding the public assassination of businessman Jomo Khumalo. Furthermore, the Royal Eswatini Police Services has finally found the get-away car, a navy blue VW Polo, that was allegedly used by the unknown hit-men who gunned down Khumalo – an act which has a similar trend to the killing incident of the late soccer mogul and businessman Victor Gamedze. Sipho Shongwe is currently on trial on charges of Gamedze’s killing. The slain Khumalo was also gunned down near the Manzini Traffic Circle opposite the Manzini Club along the road to Moneni on Wednesday while he was driving along with his, wife and children. He was shot seven times, it has been claimed by his family. His killing has sent shockwaves in members of the public who are now concerned about the growing incidents of public hits. The Times SUNDAY has established that on Friday night, investigating officers rounded up two businessmen and further took them for questioning. By late afternoon yesterday, the two entrepreneurs were still in holding cells, assisting the police with information regarding the killing of Khumalo. The two are known to this publication but cannot be published due to the fact that at the time of compiling this report, there were no charges preferred against them. One of the suspects is a member of the Eswatini Interstate Transport Association while the other is involved in the car dealership business. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed that two suspects had been taken in for investigation and that they are currently assisting the police with information. “Two men are assisting the police in the murder of Jomo and the getaway car has also been found. The two were taken in on Friday and are still in police custody,” she said. Meanwhile, sources within the police service have alleged that the get-away was found through the assistance of the two suspects. The sources have claimed that the businessmen were rounded up after they were monitored and tracked down by investigating officers. “One of the suspects was monitored and when he drove to the other businessman’s homestead, they were all rounded-up and taken in,” the source said. Ex-MP partially linked Another police source said the suspects have partially linked a former member of parliament to be part of the hit. “Police are still tracking down the former legislator to assist with information as his name has been mentioned. There are other suspects based in Mbabane that might be taken in for investigation,” the source said. Bambumuti Sithole, Chairman of Eswatini Interstate Transport Association, said he was not aware that police had taken in some suspects in the matter. “I was out of the country and had gone to South Africa. I only came back today (yesterday). No one has informed me about the suspects’ questioning,” he said. Sithole, however, explained that prior to his travel to SA, he got warned by the police not to visit the Khumalo family for the cultural mourning exercise because the situation was ‘volatile’. He said as an association, they were very saddened by the assassination of their member in Khumalo. “I am at a loss for words. Khumalo was a son and I was his father in the industry. We did not have any ‘beef’ as people are now implying. All that I know is that I was the one who was being hunted by hit men from SA. The police had also warned me that they had received information about hired hit men looking for me,” Sithole said. cops patrol Jomo’s home He said police had played a major role as they had been offering protection by patrolling his homestead twice every night. Sabelo Mabuza, an uncle to the deceased, said justice should take its course. Interviewed yesterday night, Mabuza said police had not informed them about any arrests yet. “We have met as a family today and what we discussed is private information, not for the public. However, we appreciate that there has been a breakthrough in the investigation exercise conducted by the police. As a family, we are still traumatised and deeply hurt,” he said. He said Khumalo would be buried on Saturday morning at his homestead in Ngculwini after a vigil. However, a memorial service will be held Divine Ministry in Manzini on Friday. About Khumalo The killed Khumalo was a well-known socialite in the public transport industry; cross-border to be specific. He grew up under hawkers as he used to drive his late father’s kombi in the early 90s. On the day he was shot, he was travelling in a Mazda Demio which is belonged to his wife. Witnesses who spoke to the Times said the late businessman was driving towards Manzini when a navy blue VW sedan, with local registration numbers, overtook his Mazda Demio and when it was adjacent to the driver’s window, the unknown occupants of the vehicle opened fire directed at the driver’s seat.