Times Of Swaziland: NO NEED FOR ‘OMARI’ DNA TEST – MJULUKO NO NEED FOR ‘OMARI’ DNA TEST – MJULUKO ================================================================================ BY MBONGENI NDLELA on 08/03/2020 00:50:00 mbongeni@times.co.sz MBABANE – No DNA test for ‘Omari’! Mjuluko Dlamini, the former Mtfongwaneni Member of Parliament who has surfaced to claim he is Makhosini ‘Omari’ Dlamini’s biological father, says there is no need for him to conduct any DNA test to confirm paternity. He says looks on their own are enough to warrant ‘Omari’ as his own blood, and that the family would be sending cows to His Majesty the King to apologise for the damages caused by his son for what his son did during his days as a ‘prince’. ‘Omari’ stunned the country when he came to make claims that he was a member of the royal family and even attended a number of functions both in and out of the country while wearing the title of ‘prince’. publication According to Wikipedia, a genealogical DNA test is a test which looks at specific locations of a person›s genome, in order to find or verify ancestral genealogical relationships or (with lower reliability) to estimate the ethnic mixture of an individual. Such test helps a person to know his/her real clan. On Monday, the nation woke up to shocking news published by our sister publication, the Times of Eswatini, where the former legislator made claims that ‘Omari’ was one of his sons. According to the article, Dlamini was together with ‘Omari’s mother, Phindile Sangweni, when disclosing the new developments about ‘Omari’s identity. The ex-legislator claimed that ‘Omari’ was born on December 1, 1991 and he is his second born child. What came as a shock to the nation was that for years, ‘Omari’ had been referring himself as a prince. In fact, during his time as a ‘prince’ he was referred to as Prince Makhosini Omari Dlamini. He even demanded to be treated as prince in some certain quarters and would post pictures of himself with members of the royal family on social media. At some point, ‘Omari’ went to the Central Transport Administration (CTA) in Mbabane to demand that he be given a car, which he wanted to be chauffeured in based on claims that he was a prince. However, an investigation conducted by the Times in 2012 revealed that ‘Omari’ was allegedly a Sangweni. investigation In fact, it was gathered then that ‘Omari’ was born Phumelele Mthokozisi Sangweni. According to the investigation, ‘Omari’s biological father was traced to be a South African called Mhlengi Moses Sangweni and his mother was one Phindiwe Dlamini. This was according to an email authored by ‘Omari’ himself, which he had sent to his aunt, Celiwe Sangweni – Mnguni, who lives in the United States of America. The email, which was seen by the Times, was sent to Sangweni – Mnguni, and it was sent from the same email address that ‘Omari’ was using to communicate with the Times during the investigation. The Times is still in possession of these emails and ‘Omari’ argued in 2012 that the email was fabricated by his aunt, Celiwe Sangweni Mnguni. In fact, ‘Omari’ issued a statement wherein he said: “As far as I know I don’t know of the supposed emails floating around media houses, in these alleged emails it is communication between myself and my alleged ‘aunt’ Celiwe Sangweni-Mnguni. This woman created communication herself. I don’t have time to talk to her as she is not my family,” he wrote. Contents of the investigation, findings and confirmation were published by the Times in May 14, 2012. identity In an article published by the Times in October 2012, the then Government Press Secretary, Percy Simelane, and the late Ludzidzini acting Governor, Timothy Velabo Mtetwa, both disowned ‘Omari’ and said he had no relation to the royal family. This was after ‘Omari’ had passed himself off as Prince Bandzile in Lesotho. In that country, ‘Omari’ was also taken in by the Lesotho police after failing to settle a E65 000 bill at the Maseru Sun . The King’s Office told the Times then that it had enough of ‘Omari’ and his antics which were embarrassing the royal family. The claim by the ex-legislator has since sparked questions from some emaSwati who had been following ‘Omari’s lifestyle. Speaking to the Times SUNDAY yesterday, the former parliamentarian said he would not be conducting any DNA test between him and his son, ‘Omari’. He said there was no need because looks (insotja) told the whole story. “I have never conducted any DNA test for any of my children because I don’t doubt their identity. There is also no need for me to do it to ‘Omari’,” he said while insisting that ‘Omari’ was his son and he had been aware of this for many years. “What my son ‘Omari’ has been doing all these years was for himself not on my account. I have three other children in South Africa and I cannot be punished for their sins. Firstly, I don’t know what people want because issues of my son are a private matter,” he said. He said he was not aware of ‘Omari’s previous life. Asked if he would consider undergoing a DNA test, Mjuluko said: “Yewena mfana don’t even go that far. None of my children have done DNA tests. I have parents who are able to identify what belongs to my clan. If you look at ‘Omari’, he is my blood,” Meanwhile, Vimbela Dlamini, a brother to Mjuluko, said everything had its own time. “Inhlwa igudvuta lena igudvute nalena ekugcineni bese ibuya emseleni wayo,” Vimbela said. “What we understood is that when ‘Omari’ made claims that he was a prince, maybe abe buka busweti balakhaya kubo. This is the reason we decided to keep our distance and now he doesn’t have any of those things he wanted hence he is back home,” he said. He said people can say what they like but it was only ‘Omari’s mother who knew the truth about Omari’s identity. He said as a family they were preparing to conduct a traditional ritual for ‘Omari’ as a sign of welcoming to the Dlamini clan. documents Furthermore, they would be going to Ludzidzini to apologise to Their Majesties for the claims made by ‘Omari’ that he was a prince. “…tsine kunye lekumele sikwente kushaya tinkhomo siye emakhosini siyocolisa kutsi yenebakitsi yati konakele lana nalana, at the end umntfwana usekhaya. Nako lekufuna sikwente nyalo,” he said, meaning they will send a delegation to apologise to the King about the damages and claims made by Omari. He said as a matter of fact, ‘Omari’ was currently looking for a job in Eswatini and he could not find employment because he did not have local documents. Meanwhile, acting Ludzidzini Indvuna Lusendvo Fakudze said, ‘Omari’s punishment would be discussed when his family met with Their Majesties to apologise. He said it was not a good thing for one to make serious damaging claims against the King. “When the truth finally comes out, the person who caused damage becomes seriously embarrassed. We didn’t know ‘Omari’ and we believe a proper punishment will be discussed when his family comes here,” he said.