Times Of Swaziland: KING RECOUNTS TAIWAN PRESIDENT’S SUCCESSES KING RECOUNTS TAIWAN PRESIDENT’S SUCCESSES ================================================================================ BY SABELO MAJOLA on 20/05/2020 00:37:00 MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III has sent a congratulatory message to the Republic of China (Taiwan) President, Tsai Ing-wen on the occasion of the official assumption of her second term in office. The King said he was sure the confidence shown by the people of Taiwan in the president was drawn from the successes she had managed to achieve during her first term in various sectors such as the economy, social, education, ICT and many others. Economy His Majesty said the president’s focus on propelling Taiwan into the economy of the future through research and development for high tech and high information industries had reinforced her economic self-determination and independence. “On behalf of the entire nation of Eswatini, allow me to extend our fondest regards, even though I do so while we are miles apart due to the coronavirus pandemic that has spread throughout the world and prevented me from attending the inauguration of Her Excellency as returning President of Taiwan. I send this message to join the people of Taiwan in congratulating you for the peaceful election and the confidence shown by the people in trusting the president with a second term in office,” he said. His Majesty said he was convinced that in this next term, the president’s administration would build on these noteworthy and hugely successful initiatives to consolidate economic growth into tangible personal prosperity for the people of Taiwan. He said this could be achieved through continued strengthening of social safety nets and the improved care and protection of vulnerable groups. Focused “The president has not only focused on developing the people of Taiwan, but exported the country’s knowledge to other nations like ours. Our country is a beneficiary of the experiences of Taiwan in both the economic and social sectors. Her Excellency has also provided a lot of technical support in projects aimed at improving the Kingdom of Eswatini since this country is still at a developing stage,” he said. He further heaped praises on Taiwan in their glaring fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, which has drawn the attention of the entire world. His Majesty pointed out that it was unfortunate that while focused on achieving the objective of advancing to become a First World country like Taiwan, the world is encountered by the COVID-19 pandemic which has set back most of the country’s programmes as the focus is now in the fight against a pandemic that has not only hurt the people of Eswatini but also those of Taiwan and the rest of the world. Congratulate “We take this opportunity to congratulate Her Excellency, the government and the people of Taiwan for the manner in which they have dealt with this pandemic. The entire world has much to learn from the best practices of Taiwan in dealing with public health emergencies.” The King said the country was also grateful for the team of experts as well as the financial and medical equipment support which Taiwan, through Her Excellency, had found fit to bring to the kingdom to contribute to the success of fighting against the pandemic. “We are fully confident that with the team of Taiwanese experts, we will be able to defeat this terrible aggression which has visited our doorstep. We are looking forward to regaining a sound economy once this pandemic is over and we have no doubt that we will be successful in the fight against coronavirus,” he said.