Times Of Swaziland: 4 BURNT WITH COOKING OIL INSIDE CHURCH 4 BURNT WITH COOKING OIL INSIDE CHURCH ================================================================================ BY JOSEPH ZULU on 15/09/2020 08:06:00 PIGG’S PEAK – A church is supposed to be a place of refuge but this was not the case for four people who were burnt in the faces with boiling cooking while worshipping. A 30-year-old woman Gcebile Mtfupha who is said to be a pastor’s wife (umkhokheli) at the said church is alleged to have targeted one Nomphumelelo Dlamini whom she alleged was in a relationship with her husband. Mtfupha is said to have boiled some cooking oil on Sunday while the church service was in session and allegedly targeted Dlamini’s face. She is then said to have splashed the oil on Dlamini’s face but also burnt another woman (20) with the same oil as well as two children aged four and six months. The names of others who were also burnt are Buyisile Vilakati (20) and two children namely Sicelimphilo Manikela aged six months and Thandolwethu Mthembu aged four. It is alleged that Mtfupha had boiled the oil at home as the church is situated nearby. She is then said to have carried the oil in a container which is believed to be a large metal cup. Upon reaching where Dlamini had sat, Mftupha is said to have splashed the cooking oil in her face causing severe burns. The pastor’s wife is further alleged to have hit Dlamini with fists. Mtfupha is also accused of hitting Dlamini twice in the head with a stick. Shocked church members are said to have quickly intervened to prevent further injury to Dlamini who was already in severe pain at the time. The matter was then reported to the police, resulting in Mtfupha’s arrest and subsequent court appearance. She was charged with assault with intent to do Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH). While assaulting Dlamini, Mtfupha is also said to have injured four others but was only slapped with four counts. The court was, however, informed that a fifth charge may be added as another person had also reported being burnt by the same cooking oil. Mtfupha briefly appeared before Magistrate Vusi Thomo where she requested to be granted bail. However, bail was opposed. She was remanded in custody. It was also noted that Dlamini was still admitted to the Pigg’s Peak Government Hospital with severe injuries that she sustained when Mtfupha allegedly splashed boiling oil on her face.