Times Of Swaziland: 5 ‘EMAPHARA’ MURDER SUSPECTS IN COURT 5 ‘EMAPHARA’ MURDER SUSPECTS IN COURT ================================================================================ BY SIBUSISO SHANGE AND MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 29/12/2020 23:59:00 MBABANE – Five residents of Sigangeni have appeared at the Mbabane Magistrates Court charged with murder and attempted murder following the alleged poisoning of two men suspected to be members of ‘Emaphara’. Emaphara, according to the residents of the area, is a terror gang which is reportedly terrorising the community by committing a string of housebreaking and stealing goats. Housebreaking and theft of goats was prevalent in the area prior to the alleged poisoning of the duo. Derrick Dlamini (34), Sandile Shongwe (27), Jabulani Motsa (51), Percival Shongwe (43), and Khakha Maseko (41), appeared before Acting Mbabane Senior Magistrate Sifiso Vilakati yesterday. Under the charge of murder, the five are accused of assaulting and further forcing Ncedo Bhelezane Dlamini to ingest two weevil tablets from which he died. It is alleged that Dlamini was forced to ingest the weevil tablets along with Thembinkosi Mamba. However, Mamba survived and is currently admitted to the Mbabane Government Hospital. When informed of their rights to legal representation, the five indicated that they would hire an attorney. The Crown applied that they be remanded in custody until January 8, 2021 pending committal to the High Court. They were also advised to move a bail application at the High Court due to the nature of the crime they were accused of. The five were accompanied by their relatives and residents of the area, who vowed to raise the bail amount on their behalf in case they were granted same at the High Court.