Times Of Swaziland: TERRORISM SUSPECTS’ LAWYER: I WON’T BE DETERRED TERRORISM SUSPECTS’ LAWYER: I WON’T BE DETERRED ================================================================================ Sibusiso Zwane and Kwanele Dlamini on 08/12/2022 08:10:00 MANZINI – Human Rights Lawyer Maxwell Nkambule says no form or amount of intimidation will sway him from doing his job. Nkambule, who survived what he described as an assassination attempt carried out in broad daylight yesterday, said he believed that the attack was linked to his work as a legal representative of a number of suspects facing charges under the Suppression of Terrorism Act of 2018. When narrating how the incident happened, the attorney said he was driving his Mercedes-Benz ML from Big Bend Correctional Services to Siteki Magistrates Court. He said while driving along the Big Bend-Lukhula (MR 16) Public Road, he noticed the latest model of a Toyota Corolla, with foreign registration plates, following his vehicle. Suspect He said he did not suspect anything because the road was used by a number of motorists. He said he had been seeing the vehicle through his rear view mirror and it was following him at a distance. According to the attorney, as the car was following him, he decreased speed to about 70km/hour, but it still did not overtake him. He said this made him wonder why the car was not overtaking him because it was the latest Toyota Corolla model. Nkambule said he then saw a gate and decided to signal as if he would make a turn and that was when the car got closer to his vehicle. He explained that when he took a closer look inside the car, he saw three occupants, including the driver. Thereafter, he said as the car was parallel to his, he saw the passenger at the backseat pointing a firearm at him. The firearm, according to the lawyer, was wrapped with a cloth. He said he suspected that the gun was a pistol. “Upon seeing this, I sped off and he fired a shot which went through the passenger door behind the driver’s seat,” he narrated. Nkambule also said, after being shot at, he made a U-turn and faced the Big Bend direction. The Corolla, said the lawyer, went past him and at a distance made a U-turn and there was a high speed chase. He pointed out that he ensured to occupy both lanes so that the Corolla would not overtake him. Nkambule said when his attackers saw an oncoming vehicle, they turned back. The attorney said he then called the Big Bend police and reported the incident, as well as their counterparts in Siteki to look for the car. “I do not know how the gunman missed me. Maybe my guardian angel was looking over me,” he said. Nkambule informed this publication that even though things were happening fast, he could see that the men were wearing hats and the gunman had covered his face with a cloth or face mask. The legal eagle said he believed that this was a pure attempt on his life. Whoever wanted him dead, according to Nkambule, should know that he survived and was alive. He added that the person should also know that he would continue doing his job as a lawyer because he did not believe he had wronged anyone who would want to kill him. “I will die doing my job. This emanates from the numerous cases of terrorism I am handling in court and if this is what I have to die for, I will pass on a happy man,” the lawyer said. He added that there was no turning back. He said this was because if the bullet hit him, there would be no turning back as they wanted to take him out. He said he had to keep moving forward and whoever wanted to shoot and kill him, should try again and he would be ready for them. Nkambule thanked Big Bend police for their prompt response. He also appreciated the effort of Siteki police, because after he had called them, they searched for the car, but found that it did not reach Lukhula. However, he said they promised to continue searching for it. At Big Bend Police Station, said the lawyer, he recorded a statement and the police escorted him in two cars back home. However, he said due to other reported incidents, which they had to attend to, the police ended up turning back at the main road where he was supposed to make a turn towards his home. He said even though he feared that his attackers might waylay him along the way home, he arrived safely and appreciated what the police did for him. Confirmed Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed that the matter was reported at Big Bend Police Station. He said the police were investigating it and no arrests had been made. One of the cases in which Nkambule is appearing is that of the three men who are alleged to have killed members of the security forces. The accused in this matter are Ncamiso Mabuyakhulu, who is a member of the Swaziland Youth Congress (SWAYOCO), Philani Sihlongonyane, a member of the Swaziland Liberation Movement (SWALIMO) and their co-accused, German Robert Dlamini, whose political home is uncertain. They are facing 29 counts under the Suppression of Terrorism Act. Nkambule’s other clients are the two men who were arrested for being found with explosives and an army uniform. He also represents the three men who are accused of burning the Ngudzeni Inkhundla centre. These are Bongani Goodman Mamba, Bongumusa Kenneth Kunene and Sibongiseni Hoshoba Shongwe.