Times Of Swaziland: ALLEGED SERIAL RAPIST LURES JOB SEEKERS ON FACEBOOK ALLEGED SERIAL RAPIST LURES JOB SEEKERS ON FACEBOOK ================================================================================ Stanley Khumalo on 06/01/2023 08:46:00 MANZINI – The high unemployment rate in the kingdom has resulted in some women falling prey to an alleged serial rapist, who seeks them out through social media. As overall unemployment in Eswatini is recorded at 33.3 per cent, while youth unemployment is said to be at 58.2 per cent and woman unemployment rate at 33.9 per cent of the active labour force, the suspect promised the women jobs. He duped the women into believing that he had found employment for them. According to sources, his modus operandi was to seek out women who were searching for jobs on various Facebook pages. He was said to sweet-talk and promise to assist them in getting jobs. Locations His known territories for now, according to sources, are: Bhekinkhosi, Luve, Mliba and Manzini. These locations are in the east central part of the kingdom. According to sources, *Escobar would meet the women at Bhekinkhosi, which is under Ekukhanyeni Constituency. Upon meeting them, he would take them to a nearby forest where he allegedly sexually violated them. The suspect, aged 30, was arrested by Manzini police yesterday. This was after complaints had been reported about him at two police stations - Mliba and Manzini. Four women are said to have so far filed complaints with the police and it is expected that the numbers may rise as investigations proceed. Money At Mliba, three women are said to have reported cases, while one was filed at Manzini Police Station. The youngest of the women is 17 years old. According to sources, Escobar flaunted money in his Facebook account and projected himself as someone who was in and out of the country. It was gathered that the women who had interacted with him, assuming that he was a good Samaritan, believed that he would assist them in getting jobs. Sources further told this publication that after a number of complaints were lodged against him at Mliba Police Station, Escobar relocated to Ngwane Park, Manzini. He was arrested at Ngwane Park, where he resided with a relative. The sexual violation cases purported to have been committed by Escobar happened at a time when the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) Second Quarter Report stated that 148 rape cases had been reported in just three months. The REPS reported that among serious crimes, which were a cause for concern, sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) cases were a challenge. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati, confirmed that a suspect aged 30 was arrested for allegedly raping four women. Cases She said there were cases which were being investigated by Mliba police and another by Manzini police. Vilakati also confirmed that the suspect was apprehended while at Ngwane Park, following collaboration by the two police stations. “We appeal to others who may have been exposed to the criminal activities of the suspect to open their cases at the nearest police station, so that we can investigate them further,” Vilakati said. It is worth noting that the allegations levelled against Escobar are similar to those reported by this publication in October 2021, wherein a man of Dlangeni took advantage of desperate female Facebook users and allegedly raped them. Mzwandile Dlamini (27) was arrested at Ngculwini for allegedly luring women who had posted on various Facebook groups that they were seeking employment. He was said to have disguised his intentions of sexually violating them under the pretext of having secured employment for them. Contacts This, it was said, he did by first sourcing his targets’ contacts from the advertisements they had posted on the social media groups with the hope that prospective employers would use when contacting them. Thereafter, it was gathered that he would contact the women and tell them to go to Ngculwini, where he resided. According to sources, Dlamini’s modus operandi was pretending that he was a single parent raising an infant and as such, he urgently needed a domestic assistant. Out of desperation, his targets fell for his tricks and travelled to Ngculwini. One of the survivors travelled to Ngculwini to meet her prospective employer but upon arrival, she noted that the male was younger than what she had been made to believe. It was gathered that she walked with him but along the way, Dlamini started telling her that she was unlikely to be employed but instead she should be his girlfriend. The job seeker panicked and communicated this with a relative. As this was happening, Dlamini grabbed her phone. She was said to have fled and sought refuge in a nearby homestead. However, along the way, as she ran, she dropped her bags, which Dlamini took and ran away with. In a different incident, Dlamini was said to have posed as a businessman in need of someone to work in his shop. It was gathered that some women fell for his trick. Dlamini would then tell them that he had been sent by his employer to direct them to a residence where they would meet him before resuming their duties. While walking to the unknown destination, it was established that Dlamini would lead them towards a place with dense vegetation. Thereafter, he would instill fear in the women with a variety of stories. Seeing that they were gullible and that they were vulnerable, he was said to have advised the women to follow his instruction in order for them to be saved from what was about to befall them. Raped One woman, who was said to have also fallen for Dlamini’s trickery, was allegedly raped by him in several instances, as she had arrived at Ngculwini with no money to return home. It was said the woman had resided with him at his place of abode, until he decided to tell her to pack her things and leave. On the day he chucked her out, it was gathered that another woman arrived, who was also under the impression that she would be employed. According to sources, while residing with some of the women, Dlamini was said to have ordered them to request financial assistance from their next of kin, which he used for his personal gain. According to impeccable sources, police were investigating the matter, as there were suspicions that there were more women who had fallen for Dlamini’s trickery; however, for now, it was said only three women had reported their ordeal to the police. * Not real name pending court appearance