Times Of Swaziland: NATCOM DENIES COPS SURVEILLING SNAT LEADERSHIP NATCOM DENIES COPS SURVEILLING SNAT LEADERSHIP ================================================================================ Mthunzi Mdluli on 15/02/2023 07:52:00 MBABANE – National Commissioner (NATCOM) of Police William Dlamini has denied the SNAT secretary general’s allegations that the police are following the organisation’s leaders wherever they go. Dlamini was responding to some of the allegations made by the Secretary General of Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), Lot Vilakati, against the police. “Asizange sesilandzele bantfu tsine. Sibalandzela sifunani kubantfu? I have verified that and there was nothing of that sort. There is no one following SNAT leaders,” he said. The national commissioner said there was no need for the police to keep following a person if they wanted to make any arrest. He said they could simply arrest any person if it became necessary, without following the individual. “If we want to have a chat with any individual, we can do that without following you wherever you go,” narrated Dlamini. He further emphasised that they were not following anybody since they worked openly and transparently as police officers. “If a person is being followed by people he doesn’t know, or know their identities, let that person report the matter and then the commander will start his investigation. Site tsine umuntfu lesimlandzelako,” he clarified. Threats Dlamini advised the president of SNAT, Mbongwa Dlamini, to report his threats to a police station nearest to him. “Anyone who faces a threat must simply go to the police station and open a case, register his statement regarding the matter then start dealing with it thereafter,” he said. Meanwhile, the natcom further said if any individual moved around and said there were threats being directed to them, yet they did not report the threats, he wondered what prevented such an individual from reporting the threats to the police. “Why is he not personally going to the police station and report the threats if he was really threatened? Even if an individual felt threatened, just go to the police station and report it and tell it to the station commander,” he stated. He said they advised the SNAT president to go to the nearest police station and report any threat directed to him. The natcom also said any one who felt threatened must report the matter to the police, so that a file would be opened.