Times Of Swaziland: EYES IN THE SKIES AS THEIR MAJESTIES ARRIVE EYES IN THE SKIES AS THEIR MAJESTIES ARRIVE ================================================================================ Joseph Zulu on 18/02/2024 16:10:00 MBABANE- As His Majesty the King arrived, it was the helicopters that gave it away that something big is happening. Just after 3pm, there was some loud noise of helicopters hovering over the Buhleni Royal Residence. Somehow, the members of the public realised that the King was about to arrive. As the helicopters hovered above the skies, sirens were heard signaling that His Majesty was arriving. Many people began to sing praises despite that all they could see were the helicopters in the skies. This lasted for about five minutes. As the helicopters continued to hover, the sound of the sirens grew louder until a motorcade was seen entering the royal residence. His Majesty had arrived. Unlike in the past, where armed security personnel were very visible, this was not the case this year. Though security personnel were present, many of them appeared to be in civilian attire, patrolling to ensure that the event ran smoothly.