Times Of Swaziland: E3.2BN FUEL RESERVE: STILL NO ALTERNATIVE LAND FOR FARMING E3.2BN FUEL RESERVE: STILL NO ALTERNATIVE LAND FOR FARMING ================================================================================ Nonduduzo Kunene on 18/03/2024 08:18:00 PHUZUMOYA – Residents whose fields were earmarked for the construction of the E3.2 billion Strategic Oil and Fuel Reserve still do not have alternative land to plough. For over 10 years, some residents of Phuzumoya, under KaMkhweli Royal Kraal, have not been able to utilise the land since it was marked as a site for the fuel reserve project. The highest amount paid to the residents as compensation for their fields, some of which were over seven hectares, was E250 000, it has been gathered. A report that was tabled in Parliament by the Chairperson of the House of Assembly portfolio committee on Natural Resources and Energy, Madala Mhlanga, which contained responses to the ministry’s annual performance report and budget debate, stated that there was no budget for further compensation of the residents. Minister The minister of Natural Resources and Energy was responding to a question that was posed by Siphofaneni Member of Parliament (MP) Nomalungelo Simelane. The MP wanted to know if the 2024/25 ministry’s budget of E107 195 099 recurrent expenditure and E970 611 000 catered for the compensation of the over 20 households, which were ordered to stop ploughing their fields, as on their location would be constructed the E3.2 billion strategic oil reserve. These responses and the MP’s submission came after an outcry by some of the residents. A visit to Phuzumoya under Siphofaneni Inkhundla unearthed that the land, which is located just less than 500 metres from the Phumumoya Railway Station, was fenced but there was not much activity in the area as the first gate was locked, with no sign of much activity. The only structures that were found were a guardhouse, water tanks and a temporary restroom. Some of the residents, including those whose fields were within the fenced area, mentioned that there was another gate in the area that was always manned by guards and there was an indication that some activity might begin at anytime. The construction of the strategic oil reserve is spearheaded by the Eswatini National Petroleum Company (ENPC), which is under the portfolio of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy. The strategic fuel and oil reserve would save Eswatini from constant fuel crises. The Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini has been implementing Strategic Development Infrastructure, as part of the National Development Strategy (NDS). The energy sector plays a central role in the development of the country, hence the need for the establishment of strategic storage facilities for fuel resources. Currently, there is heavy dependence on imported fuel and petroleum products from the Republic of South Africa and Mozambique. The status quo relies on agreements for the supply of fuel, which limits Eswatini’s drive to economic growth based on a stable energy supply. Any disruptions in supply from these countries result in fuel shortages in Eswatini and in recent times this has been a common phenomenon. The main objective of the project, therefore, is for the country to have sufficient fuel reserves that would act as a buffer for command supply and distribution in the country. As a result, strategic fuel storage is vital and central to the successful realisation of the goal of a sustainable energy supply. In line with the feasibility study that was conducted in the mid 2000s, such a facility ought to have the capacity to hold emergency petroleum stock corresponding to at least 60 days of net consumption. Consultant In May 2022, BillionBrother Project Management Consultancy in partnership with Fhatan Consulting Engineers was appointed as the Consultant for the project by ENPC to provide professional series design optimisation, preparation of cost estimates, and production of bills of quantities for the proper facility in Phuzumoya. By December 31, 2023, the ENPC, according to the ministry, had been working with the ministry to commence the construction of the strategic oil reserve facility by August 2024. Budget estimates for the project have been ascertained as well. With construction plans at an advanced stage, some residents last used the land earmarked for the project in 2014. They were not given an alternative land after their fields were fenced off for project. According to some of the residents who requested to remain anonymous in fear of victimisation, they were still hoping that government would give them alternative land for ploughing or compensate them. When asked why they expected to be compensated because the ministry said they were compensated, they said they last received money over six years ago, which they thought was just for the time being, while they were looking for alternative land. Crops At the inception of the project around 2014, the residents said they were using the land to cultivate their crops. Over the years, due to poor rains, they were not getting enough yields and they considered ploughing other crops. In the midst of that, they learned that their land would be used for the strategic oil and fuel reserve. They said they were made to understand that they would be compensated for their land for three years, while the royal kraal and government were looking for alternative fields or introduce an income-generating project that suffices as their fields. According to the affected residents, the highest compensation they received was E250 000 only in 2017. They said this year they also learned through the media that the construction of the fuel reserve was underway. “Since 2017 we have been waiting for an alternative land while a big national project takes place in our fields,” said a resident. Robbed Another resident said they felt robbed because the money that was given to them, if it was for their land, was too little. “Some of the fields were more than five hectares, therefore, you cannot tell me such a huge piece of land would be taken for E150 000.” said another resident. When they were asked what would console them for the land, they said they would appreciate it if government could allocate a farm to them that they could use to plant crops that did not need much water, like cassava. Others had a view that they could form a sugar cane scheme like other communities on land that government and the royal kraal would allocate them.