Times Of Swaziland: STRONG WINDS: 17 HOUSES DAMAGED, 87 PEOPLE AFFECTED STRONG WINDS: 17 HOUSES DAMAGED, 87 PEOPLE AFFECTED ================================================================================ Mthunzi Mdluli on 05/06/2024 09:06:00 SIGANGENI – About 87 people were affected by the strong winds that were experienced in the country on Monday night. According to the results of a preliminary rapid assessment by the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), the strong winds left 17 houses damaged in various areas. Ntabeni Msibi, NDMA Acting Communications Manager, said Eswatini experienced strong winds on Monday night, which caused extensive damage across the country. Msibi said the preliminary rapid assessment results indicated that incidents of damage were reported in the Hhohho, Manzini and Shiselweni regions, specifically under the constituencies of Siphocosini, Mayiwane, Ndzingeni, Nkomiyahlaba and Sigwe. Intensity He said the intensity of the wind blew off roofs and shattered windows. β€œIn response to the storms, the NDMA has swiftly initiated emergency response and recovery interventions, which have resulted in the distribution of four tarpaulins, providing temporary shelter to the affected households,” he said. On the other hand, Nontobeko Mbuyane, Eswatini Baphalali Red Cross Society Public Relations Officer, said their response team was on the ground, gathering information on all the affected individuals. Mbuyane said the information would help them know the severity of the damage caused by the strong winds, as well as the exact number of affected homes and families. Critical Mbuyane said they would first attend to families with critical conditions brought about by the strong winds, by donating immediate equipment such as tarpaulins. Meanwhile, at Sigangeni, under Siphocosini Inkhundla, some houses were found extensively damaged, as the roofing was blown away while clothes were littered on the ground. Fikile Dlamini, an elderly member of a Tfusi family, where three houses were heavily damaged, said they were grateful that no life was lost. She said had they been asleep, lives could have been lost. She estimated the damage to be worth E70 000. Also, a Mahlalela family was not spared, as half of their roofing from one of the big houses was found on the ground, while a two-bedroom house was found roofless. Thami Shongwe, who is the Bucopho of the area, said four homesteads were affected.