Times Of Swaziland: ‘LATE WIFE DIVORCED ME WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE’ ‘LATE WIFE DIVORCED ME WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE’ ================================================================================ Yamkelo Dlamini and Siboniso Nkambule on 27/06/2024 18:25:00 MBABANE - The Judicial Commission of Inquiry has heard how a man learnt about his marital fate at the Pension Fund Offices. Merick Hlanze from Hlathikulu alleged that his late wife, Girlie Dlamini divorced him without his knowledge. Hlanze told the commission that he learnt about the unexpected detour, on the day he went to claim what he believed was rightfully his - a portion of his wife's pension. He said in the eyes of the law, he and his wife were no longer recognised as partners. It was stated that the couple allegedly divorced in 2011. These are allegations whose veracity is still to be tested. Dlamini died in 2019 and they were married through civil rites. According to Hlanze, the only thing he knew was that there was separation from his wife, but not a divorce. He testified before the commission that, to his knowledge, his union with Dlamini was valid utill her demise. Hlandze alleged that he was treated as a stranger and was not even able to bury his wife. According to Hlandze, his in-laws told him that he was divorced with Dlamini, thus he had no claim against the estate. “We were separated for almost 10 years but we used to see each other at Happy Valley Hotel at Ezulwini. We used to make appointments whenever we saw each other. On our appointments, she never told me about the divorce,” Hlanze alleged. He told the commission that his wife's properties were allegedly taken by his in-laws, which included furniture kept at his wife's house. Hlandze stated that he reported the matter to the police because he believed fraud had occurred. He submitted that he was not allowed to defend himself as everything was done without his knowledge. “I was served with court papers, but I wasn’t given a date in court to defend myself. I think this was done deliberately to exclude me from the estate,” he alleged. On the contrary, Assistant Master, George Langa told the commission that a divorce decree was issued in Hlandze’s marriage with Dlamini, something Hlandze allegedly knew. He told the commission that they were dealing with a small estate and there was a need for the Master’s Office, to appoint an executor to wind up the estate to the beneficiaries. Meanwhile, the commission, perusing through the court papers supplied by Hlandze, confirmed that the divorce occurred in 2011. The commission told Hlandze that he should have filed an intention to defend notice, done within a specific time, after being served with the divorce papers. It was alleged that Hlanze might have not understood what he needed to do at that period in time. The commission urged the Master’s office to address the matter and present a report. …Estate not liquidated for over 31 years MBABANE – The late Mandla Mamba’s children have alleged that they did not benefit from their father’s estate. Zenzi and Thulani told the commission that rentals were allegedly collected from his father’s estate for the past 30 years, but they have never benefited. These are allegations whose veracity is still to be tested. Mamba died in 1992 and his inventory included two cars, a beer hall, a grocery shop, flats, and livestock. Zenzi told the commission that rentals were allegedly collected from the beer hall, grocery shop, and the flats for over 30 years. However, they have never received anything from the estate. According to Zenzi, they had expected that the estate would be distributed among the beneficiaries. He submitted that the deceased wife, Thoko Gamadze took everything with her children. Meanwhile, the commission told the Master’s Office to address the matter. It was stated that the Master’s Office should submit a report in three weeks.