Times Of Swaziland: 3 BABIES TRAGICALLY KILLED IN DIFFERENT INCIDENTS 3 BABIES TRAGICALLY KILLED IN DIFFERENT INCIDENTS ================================================================================ Thokozani Mamba, Sithembile Hlatjwayo and Phiwase Phungwayo on 13/08/2024 08:43:00 SITEKI – A two-month-old baby, who was allegedly suffocated by her mother with a pillow, is one of three babies who died tragically in the past two days. The two-month-old child was supposedly suffocated by her mother, Khetsiwe Matsenjwa, who has since been charged with murder. The mother aged 26, from Mambane, is said to have suffocated her daughter with the pillow on Saturday night. According to an impeccable source, when investigating officers interviewed the accused person, they established that she was allegedly not capable of giving precise responses and that she had the incapacity to give detailed information on what transpired on Saturday. The source purported that Matsenjwa committed the crime while at her boyfriend’s homestead. The source explained that when responding to questions asked, she would constantly not respond on time; hence, they had determined that she had to be taken for mental evaluation. Altercation “When asked what happened leading to her suffocating her two-month-old baby, she would not give a definite answer, but she only said she was also not sure what prompted her to do that. She would say she was not sure what happened to her as she could not remember anything,” said the source. When asked if they had established with the accused person if they had been embroiled in an altercation or argument that could have prompted her to kill her baby, the source narrated that it was difficult to get details as the accused person was alone when committing the crime. “I think she committed the offence out of anger, but she could not share what could have compelled her to commit such a heinous crime. I believe deeper investigations by the police will unravel the details of this case,” added the source. A neighbour, Sicelo Khoza, said it was unfortunate that the life of a baby was lost due to indifferences encountered by parents. Khoza mentioned that he was yet to get details of the matter, as he was informed about the death of the minor. He stated that what could have also prompted the mother of the child to resort to taking her life was hunger. The neighbour shared that the father of the child survived by getting part-time jobs around the community. “They are living in poor conditions and it hurts that poverty could have been the cause of the death of the child,” he said. The father of the minor could not be reached as he reportedly did not own a mobile phone. Meanwhile, according to the charge sheet, Matsenjwa was charged with murder in that on August 10, 2024, at Phuzumoya, the accused person unlawfully and intentionally killed her biological daughter, Kiara MacFadden, by suffocating her with a pillow. The accused appeared at the Siphofaneni Magistrates Court, before Acting Magistrate Nkhululeko Ndzimandze, who sent her for psychiatric evaluation at the National Psychiatric Referral Hospital in Manzini. The accused was referred to the health institution yesterday afternoon. Unattended candle burns house, baby killed EZULWINI – A family has been left distraught following the death of a two-month-old baby girl, who died following a fire that was caused by an unattended candle. Efforts to save the baby by the mother, who immediately rushed into the room, which was engulfed in flames, were unsuccessful, as the baby was certified dead. In an interview with the deceased baby’s grandmother, Sitani Dvuba, She stated that the baby inhaled smoke, which led to her death, as she was not burnt Dvuba said the mother of the child had come to have supper inside their other house and was shocked to learn that the house, where they had left the baby, was in flames. According to Dvuba, the fire was supposedly started by a candle that mistakenly fell and was not realised by the siblings, as they left the room where the baby was sleeping. Belonging Dvuba said the children had barely spent half an hour with them in their house, but when they returned to their room, everything was in ruins. “Nothing was saved inside the room, including a bed and clothing belonging to the children,” Dvuba said. She mentioned that what added salt to the wound was that the homestead where the incident happened was rented. Dvuba said nobody was employed in their family and they survived by doing part-time jobs in the community. “I do laundry for anyone interested and they pay me in order for the family to survive,” she said. According to Dvuba, the baby’s situation was complicated, as she was not accepted by her family on the father’s side. She said they were yet to accompany the mother, but the unfortunate incident unfolded. Currently, she said the family of the baby on the father’s side had not been cooperative ever since the incident was reported to them. She said due to the families not seeing eye-to-eye, they had no idea where to lay the remains of the little one. Dvuba said the child could not be buried at her parental homestead or that of her husband. Furthermore, she noted that the family did not have funds to bury the child. Members of the public who may be interested in assisting the family can call Dvuba on 7868 4989. Informal day care centre burns, baby boy dies MBHULENI – Deep sadness has cast a shadow over the residents of Mbhuleni, following the tragic death of a seven-month-old baby boy, who was burnt to death in an informal one-room day care centre. The child’s caretaker, who rents the single-room house, operates the day care in the same space where she lives. It is reported that she takes care of up to five children in this combined home and day care setting. The incident occurred yesterday morning. Reportedly, at the time of the incident, the deceased baby was sleeping on a bed, along with a four-year-old—who is believed to have started the fire—a two-year-old and a 14-month-old toddler. This publication visited the scene, where groups of neighbours and residents were gathered. The Mavuso homestead, located in the peri-urban settlement, consists of a cluster of one-room houses within a family compound made of bricks. However, there is no electricity and some tenants rely on candles for light. An air of sadness enveloped the residents as they murmured softly and consoled each other over the tragic event that had struck the Mbhuleni community. Some women were seen crying uncontrollably as police officers investigated the matter. Law enforcement personnel were observed recording statements and taking photographs of the fire scene. This reporter spoke with the landlord, who introduced himself as Mavuso. Tragedy Clearly shaken and in a sombre mood, Mavuso recounted the events leading to the tragic discovery. According to Mavuso, the mother of the deceased baby boy typically left her child with the childminder in the early mornings, before heading to work at a textile factory. Mavuso confirmed that his tenant took care of other children, while their parents were at work. He revealed that the childminder had left the house to buy some items at a nearby shop, leaving the seven-month-old boy sleeping on the bed and four other children in the house. Mavuso suggested that one of the children might have struck a match, which ignited the fire in the house. “I was outside, tending to the yard, when one of the younger children opened the door and called out to an older one. As the door opened, a cloud of smoke followed,” he recalled. Mavuso noted that his sister, who was outside, raised the alarm and alerted him to the fire. He described how he quickly ran to the house, grabbed a container of water, and attempted to extinguish the flames. “I am honestly shocked and heartbroken by this tragedy. We tried our best to put out the fire, but it was already too late,” he said, sighing deeply. Mavuso also mentioned that there were no neighbours nearby, who could have noticed the fire in time, as most were at work. Meanwhile, the mother of the deceased baby could not be reached for comment, as she was reportedly working at a textile factory in Matsapha. Senior Superintendent Phindile Vilakati, Chief Police Information and Communications Officer, confirmed that a seven-month-old baby boy was burnt to death inside a one-room house at Mbhuleni yesterday. She stated that the police were still investigating the matter.