Times Of Swaziland: ESWATINI AIR CUSTOMERS’ 1HR WAIT FOR PRINCESS - STAKEHOLDER ESWATINI AIR CUSTOMERS’ 1HR WAIT FOR PRINCESS - STAKEHOLDER ================================================================================ Kwanele Dlamini on 24/08/2024 07:22:00 MANZINI - Eswatini Air customers once waited for about an hour in a flight as it was purportedly waiting for a certain princess. This was revealed by one of the stakeholders during a consultative meeting which was hosted by Eswatini Air at The Gorge Hotel, yesterday morning. The stakeholder first congratulated Eswatini Air for last year’s achievements. He then expressed his disappointment to the airline based on what he experienced at King Mswati III (KMIII) International Airport. He said he and other customers of Eswatini Air had booked their flight well on time, but they were made to wait for about an hour, as the flight was waiting for a certain princess. He said as customers, they were affected and some of them missed their flights as they were connecting to other destinations, like Dubai, among others. “My plea to Eswatini Air is that it should take us (clients) seriously,” the stakeholder said. He also advised the airline to leave politics out when doing business and have a suggestion box, where its customers would write their suggestions on where and how the organisation could improve. Otherwise, he said the company has great potential to grow and contribute to the development of the country. Improve On the other hand, Eswatini Air management assured the stakeholders that they would improve their services. They also highlighted that they already have a site where customers send their suggestions. They said the back of their flights have a Quick Response (QR) Code, which when they scan, would direct them to the site where they could drop their suggestions, experience and complaints. On the other hand, Royal Eswatini National Airways Cooperation (RENAC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Qiniso Dhlamini, was asked about the concern that was recently raised by parliamentarians in Parliament on why Eswatini Air flight to OR Tambo International Airport had more empty seats than the one operated by Airlink. In response, the CEO said one of the main purposes of the stakeholder consultative meeting was to inform them (stakeholders) that their fares of the competitor had been reduced as a reaction to Eswatini Air’s market entry.Therefore, he said they encourage the stakeholders to continue supporting them so that they could remain in business and that would mean the fares would also stay low. However, he said if they do not get the support they need, they would be pushed out of business and this would mean there would be monopoly in the business and air ticket prices might go up gain. Stressful The CEO said one of the contributing factors was that initially, when a passenger who wants to connect at OR Tambo International Airport, but had bought two tickets or more, separately, they have to do a luggage-check even in Johannesburg and this was stressful for them, thus they ended up choosing the competitor. However, he was quick to highlight that now they have found a solution to the challenge. The CEO also said another contributing factor was connecting times, as some passengers had concerns that they wait long hours to connect. He said this could be addressed if their stakeholders could support them, as this would increase their fleet, which would see the airline also increasing the frequency of flights. He said when the frequency of flights was increased, connecting time would definitely decrease.