Times Of Swaziland: MAN CHARGED UNDER SODV FOR SEXUALLY VIOLATING PREGNANT COW MAN CHARGED UNDER SODV FOR SEXUALLY VIOLATING PREGNANT COW ================================================================================ Melisa Msweli on 10/09/2024 09:03:00 NHLANGANO – A 31-year-old man of Siyendle found himself on the wrong side of the law for allegedly having sexually violated a pregnant cow. This is called bestiality. The incident happened at Siyendle in the Shiselweni Region. Velaphi Mndzebele (31) is accused of contravening Section 45 (a)(i) of the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence (SODV) Act No.15 of 2018, by engaging in an act of bestiality. Section 45 (a)(i) of the SODV Act states under ‘Bestiality’ that a person who unlawfully commits an act - (a) which causes penetration to any extent whatsoever by the genital organs of - (i) that person into or beyond the mouth, genital organs or anus of an animal commits the offence of bestiality and is liable, on conviction, to pay a fine not exceeding E25 000 or be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or to both. Neighbours Two neighbours reportedly saw Mndzebele approaching a herd of cattle grazing in the fields. He is alleged to have driven the cattle and eventually isolated the pregnant cow. It is alleged that he was seen by the owner of the cow, who was with another resident of the area. They are reported to have approached him when they saw him isolating and cornering the pregnant cow. According to the owner, she was of the view that the man wanted to assist the cow to give birth, with the intention of stealing the calf, but that was not the case. The owner said the man fled when he was about to be apprehended. She alleged that they called Mndzebele by name as he ran away, while pulling up his trousers. Another resident of the area, who is also Mndzebele’s neighbour, alleged that he also saw him committing the act and when he called out to him, asking what he was doing, he ignored him. The neighbour averred that when he shouted, his children came out and they witnessed what Mndzebele was reportedly doing. According to the resident, his children mimicked him and joked about what they had seen him doing. Mndzebele is accused of having returned around 5pm on the same day and was seen standing next to the kraal where the cow was. He was approached by one of the neighbours and he allegedly attempted to hit him with a stone. Upon realising that the neighbour was still approaching, Mndzebele allegedly ran away. The cow owner shared that she was worried for her safety and that of her children, considering that the man returned later that day, hence she reported the matter to the police. Mndzebele was arrested by Gege police. He appeared before Magistrate Sindzile Mdziniso at the Shiselweni Magistrates Court. He was remanded in custody until October 24, 2024 for trial. He applied for bail. Magistrate Mdziniso enquired where he would stay while out on bail, because his safety was not guaranteed in the area where the offence was committed. Mndzebele told the court that he had an alternative place to stay after the court insisted that not granting him bail was for his safety, as he would be assaulted and killed as the community might not trust him. He was admitted to E2 000 bail, which he had not paid by the time of going to print.