Times Of Swaziland: SOME MEN, WOMEN SPLASH MONEY ON GAMBLING - SENATORS SOME MEN, WOMEN SPLASH MONEY ON GAMBLING - SENATORS ================================================================================ Nonduduzo Kunene on 14/09/2024 07:26:00 LOBAMBA – Senators say some men and women splash their hard-earned money on gambling, spend nights in Casinos while they are failing to look after their families. These allegations were made yesterday during a workshop organised by the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs. The ministry was sensitising the senators about the Gaming Fee Rules for 2024 that are in accordance with Section 70 of the Gaming Control Act of 2022.During the workshop, the Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Jane Mkhonta, stated the various gaming fees that needed to be paid by players in the gambling industry. The fees entail that Casino application fee will be E400 000, E350 000 for the lottery licence while the rest is interactive gambling also known as online gambling which is charged at E1 00 0 000. Following the run-through of the fees by the minister, some senators felt the fees were just too high while others were interested to know if there were measures that had been put in place by the ministry to ensure that people were not addicted to gambling. The senators questioned the minister about which countries were used to benchmark the licencing and application fees. They referenced the minister’s preamble during the workshop where she stated that they conducted consultations in other countries that had successful gaming industries. The senators were concerned that the benchmarking might have been done in countries that have higher Gross Domestic Product (GPD) than Eswatini. The difference in the economies according to the senators might leave emaSwati worse off as the industry might try to recoup the money paid during the application of licences from the gamblers thus leaving the poor liSwati worse off. “What was considered to arrive at these fees,” asked Senator Chief Prince Ngangabani was seconded by Senator Siphelele Mkhonta. Senator Princess Ncengencenge said she was concerned about school-going children who were bating on football sites and how it was regulated. She stated that it was not only children who were consumed by online batting as even men were blowing up money through these sites. Senator Isaac Magagula said it was understood that the gaming industry was also meant to boost the economy as the government was making a lot of revenue in issuing licences and collecting levies. He, however, stated that he was not too sure if the ministry had put enough control measures to safeguard the social impacts of gambling. “Time and again, there are families that complain about gambling as men spend time in casinos day and night and do not support their families as all the money is spent gambling in casinos,” he said. He recalled that in previous years there was even a law that prohibited public servants especially those who work with money like accountants, from partaking in any gambling activities. The senator questioned what was put in place to safeguard the nation from any disturbances that may be brought by gambling. “These fees are just too high let us not bluff ourselves,” he said. Senator Chief Prince Mphatfwa who was the acting chairperson of the portfolio committee said he feared that due to the high licencing and application fees, the gambling facilities might end up imposing the fees on their customers. The chief added that due to the high fees the facilities might temper with their machines so that people could not win. He said that would be unfair to the players or gamblers because some people take their last money to these gaming places with the hope of getting more money to buy electricity units or get money for paying their children’s school fees. “If they do not win they will not have money for electricity and for paying school fees,” he said. Senator Fezeka Dlamini said it was not only men who were addicted as there were also women who woke up daily to go and gamble at these facilities. “Sometimes I see women hitchhiking next the places of gambling at night or early in the morning after losing their money in the casinos,” she said. The Senate President, Lindiwe Dlamini also shared with the senators that yesterday at 8 am she came across an old lady who was using a walking stick carrying a coat going to some of the gambling joints in Ezulwini. She said there were people who were deep in debt because of gambling. Establish gambling addict fund or we don’t pass the regulations – Fezeka LOBAMBA – Senator Fezeka Dlamini says the Parliament should not approve the gaming fees if the government fails should establish a Gaming Fund that would assist gambling addicts.The senator was responding to the gaming fees that were presented by the Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Jane Mkhonta. The minister stated in her preamble that the Gaming Control Act also stipulates that the ministry should form a fund that would be funded by the fees and levies that would come from the gaming industry. Mkhonta told the senators the fund had not been established besides the act being passed in 2022. The senators felt that with the hike in some of the fees and the increase in online gambling, the fund should have been a priority.“It would be irresponsible for the Senate to allow the regulations to go as they are. Gambling is very addictive, families would be destroyed. If there is no fund to assist those who are addicted to gambling we would be killing the nation. Let the minister tell us if she has established the fund so that those who are addicted to gambling could be assisted. The senator highlighted that on August 28, 2024, the Times of Eswatini published that online gamblers increased by 75 per cent in a year which is 25 per cent of the population of emaSwati, and unemployed youth and students dominate.“If the fund has not been established, we cannot approve these fees. What will happen to the people who will be addicted to gambling?” she asked.The Senate President, Lindiwe Dlamini said it seemed like job creation has been made a priority and gambling is among the industries that can create jobs. “What made you delay the regulations and delay the fund? The fund stipulates that there would be counselling among others hence it is crucial,” she said. Gambling is here to stay – Minister LOBAMBA – “With all due respect senators, gambling is here to stay.” The Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Jane Mkhonta said she understood the concerns of the Senators about the huge fees, levies and emaSwati who spend money, but with all the concerns gambling was not going anywhere. “Forward ever, backward never. Gambling has evolved over the years. The very same emaSwati you are concerned about they are the ones who want to gamble. They take their money bet on their phones or go to casinos the government has never forced anyone to gamble,” she said. She said the government’s role in all of this is to regulate the industry and the ministry was doing just that. Simelane said the fees the senators were complaining about were actually approved by those who are running gambling facilities. She said instead the senators should be pleased that their country’s revenue would be boosted by the industry. “We consulted stakeholders and it was agreed that the fees were perfect. Relax senators a lot of groundwork has been done and the Attorney General, Cabinet and House of Assembly approved this,” she said. The minister said there were a lot of applications that were sitting in the ministry that were hindered by the absence of the fees. She urged that the applicants should not be delayed as they have to create job opportunities and boost the country’s revenue.“The fund will be properly established once the Parliament passes the regulations. The fund will be responsible for counselling and rehabilitating emaSwati who would be addicted to gambling,” she said. The minister said gambling was also part of leisure and provided relaxation for many. Mkhonta said some people’s moods were boosted just by seeing the slotting machine and relaxed their minds.