Times Of Swaziland: POWER OF NETWORKING, RELATIONSHIPS POWER OF NETWORKING, RELATIONSHIPS ================================================================================ Phila Sibiya on 02/03/2025 08:52:00 It is another wonderful day, the most treasured time for us to be together again and share a few words of encouragement or motivation as we navigate the various ups and downs of life. We need each other to say ‘keep going, my brother or sister,’ regardless of the challenges we face. It is very important to have someone with whom you can share life’s difficulties or provide a shoulder to cry on. In life, one day can feel like a million days due to the value time holds for us. Time is the most valuable asset we all possess in equal measure. Being on the wake-up list today is a great blessing for which we should thank God. To succeed in life, you cannot do it alone. We need each other. You cannot succeed on your own; you require the support of others who will help you achieve your goals. Your network is your net worth. This means, in simpler terms, that your value will largely be influenced or determined by those with whom you associate. You are the average of the quality of people with whom you spend time or associate. school In life, you cannot succeed as a loner; teamwork wins the game. From a young age, as children, even as we go through school, we learn to have friends and build networks. The quality of friends or people within your network circle will determine the type, quality and length of life you will experience. If you associate with negative people, the results will be negative; however, if you associate with positive people, the outcome will be favourable. Some speakers say that birds of a feather flock together. This means you must evaluate your companions and determine whether you share the same destination in mind and in action. You must know what you want in life from an early age. Indeed, life will not always proceed according to our wishes or plans, but an effort must be made to demonstrate direction. goals You must understand the type of life you wish to lead. You should have clear goals so that it is easy to identify friends or people who add value to your life and goals in general. People close to you, especially the friends you choose, must enhance your life. One cannot choose one’s relatives, so it is necessary to manage any negative or toxic ones carefully. Even blood relatives can sometimes be detrimental to your network. Networking is vital because it presents the opportunity to leverage valuable skills that you lack. business You can then combine these skills with your own and ultimately emerge as a valuable individual yourself. Every social or business event should be regarded as a significant opportunity for networking. Attend these events, as seminars are excellent forums for this purpose. Within your circle of friends or acquaintances, it is important to have valuable individuals who can assist you in times of need. It is advisable to maintain a smaller circle of friends, as long as they contribute positively to your life, rather than keeping a large but ineffective or destructive group. The larger the circle, the more difficult it becomes to make necessary decisions, as you will have to consider a multitude of differing opinions and interests. valuable Keep it small and straightforward, yet very valuable. Within your circle of friends, you should have representation across all the important skills of life. It is important to have a friend who is more educated than you are. Another friend should be wealthier. You should also have a friend engaged in business, to be helpful in the event you have a business idea. Other areas of interest could include the food or catering industry, the motor industry, the medical industry and so on. This is crucial, as you will sometimes require valuable advice from experts in these fields. Keeping good and quality friends is beneficial for your network because it enhances your life. The quality of the friends or people you keep in your friendship circle can contribute significantly to your success, as they inspire and motivate you throughout life. In business, networking and forming quality friendships or business associations is essential. This is particularly evident when you have a project to work on, and each team member brings their special skills. Consequently, the project or task is completed professionally and promptly. contributes The unique expertise that each individual contributes ensures the project’s success. I know of one multimillionaire who once told me that he struggled to make money and become a millionaire until he decided to partner with others, which enabled him to start making millions’. There is strength in unity. As the saying goes, ‘united we stand, divided we fall. We must be discerning about who we allow to become close to us, as this will determine what we become in life. Sometimes, it is necessary to remove certain individuals from your circle—those who do not add value but rather detract from your life or are toxic to live with. While it is not always easy to cut off such individuals, it is often very important if you wish to accomplish your goals. Feedback: (+268) 7833 7822