Times Of Swaziland: Prophet' Gcina Mthethwa's message to David Simelane Prophet' Gcina Mthethwa's message to David Simelane ================================================================================ ZWELIHLE SUKATI on 15/06/2010 00:00:00 MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III’s former praise singer Gcina Mthethwa claims God has sent him to anoint suspect serial killer David Simelane as a pastor. Mthethwa who says he is now a Prophet of God has already bought a Holy Bible which he says will be presented to the incarcerated Simelane sometime this week. "God wants Simelane out of jail to preach his gospel," said Mthethwa. Mthethwa yesterday said he asked God as to why he had chosen someone who is a suspect in killing over 34 women and children and the Almighty answered, "Did I not send Moses who had committed murder to rescue Israel from slavery?" "Did Apostle Paul not persecute many before he was saved to preach the Gospel?" was another question he claims God asked him when he questioned the anointing of Simelane. Mthethwa said God explained to him that Simelane’s anointing was a way of teaching the Swazi nation to learn to forgive. It should be noted that Simelane has not been found guilty in any of the allegations made against him. "If you do not forgive David Simelane, who then will you forgive? How then will Swazis learn how to forgive?" Mthethwa said this was the message given to him through a vision which he said he had on Saturday night. He said Simelane had alresdy been made aware of his anointment and that someone was on his way to visit him in jail for that pur- pose. Mthethwa said Simelane would have a spiritual father who would assist him with the scripture and that person was currently in a 40 day fasting which will come to an end in 10 days time. Mthethwa made headlines in our sister publication this past Saturday when he prophesied that seven top politicians would die in seven days time if a certain message he had for the king was ignored. Mthethwa said Swazis need not tremble over the death prophesies, saying it was normal for God to use death for certain prophecies to come to pass. ‘. . . he will not be allowed to anoint David’ MBABANE – His Majesty’s Correctional Services will not allow self acclaimed Prophet Gcina Mthethwa to anoint David Simelane as a pastor. Correctional services’ Deputy Public Relations Officer Superintendent Vusi Kunene said all correctional institutions had pastors who preached the gospel to inmates. "If that is God’s massage, He will convey the same prophesy to the pastors who preach to the inmates," he said. He said the correctional service’s pastors were trained officers. "As for the Bible, that will depend with the Matsapha correctional authorities if they will accept it or he may liaise with pastors at the institutions, otherwise he will not be allowed to ordain or anoint Simelane as a pastor," said the PRO.