Times Of Swaziland: Does Nash use a snake for miracles? Does Nash use a snake for miracles? ================================================================================ NHLANHLA MATHUNJWA on 03/10/2010 00:00:00 MANZINI – There are rumours that miracles performed by Bishop Nash Shongwe of the Divine Healing Ministries are not from God but a snake. This was revealed by Sylvia Mthethwa during the Divine Healing Ministries’ fundraising dinner. The event was at the church’s auditorium on Friday night. The dinner was specifically to raise funds as the church is currently in the process of building another auditorium in Mbabane. Mthethwa, who is Progress Stationery Managing Director (MD), was among the main sponsors during the dinner that was attended by about 500 people. She said the bishop had displayed a strong character, which was why the work of God was prospering in his ministry. "We have heard rumours about the bishop, that all the miracles we see are being performed by the power of a snake," she said. "But then bishop, kindly show me a hard working woman or man who has never been criticised. Once one is hard working, he or she will be labelled with all sorts of names." She made an example of Jesus when He was told by the Pharisees that he was performing miracles because of the power of the devil. "The good part is that when we serve God diligently, He opens doors that no man can close and he closes doors that no man can open," she said. "It is true that today we can all testify about the bishop that truly the favour of God is upon him because it is not all of you that have been appointed to be king’s advisor. "The honour among the million people, that alone should tell you that God is upon him." Mthethwa said when the bishop established the ministry in 1994 they noticed some strange movements of people around the area. "He was our neighbour at Fairview North and lived across our home," she said. "When the bishop started the Devine Healing Ministries, we noticed some strange movements of people around the area. We had problems with parking in our yards because there were lots of cars parked by our entrance and on the pavement as well. Choruses were being sung." She said they eventually joined the prayer meetings. That is when they realised that he had a vision. "We realised that God the Almighty had anointed and given him the power to pray for the sick," she said. "He has been doing a wonderful job of building many churches in Swaziland and even abroad. The bishop has built homes for the underprivileged and has donated food hampers. This is a total demonstration of Christ." She said the bishop was still to get involved in more activities. ...Nash IS not audited MBABANE – Bishop Nash Shongwe of the Devine Healing Ministries is not questioned on how he uses church funds. This was revealed by Pastor Fana Sihlongonyane, the church’s Public Relations Officer. Addressing about 500 guests, he said the bishop was so faithful that there was no need to audit him. "The money he spends in sustaining the church is more than the money we offer," he said. "There are a lot of projects the church has been involved in and they all need money. When we finish the auditorium in Mbabane, we would have completed 17 churches and this is money from the church." Sihlongonyane said the focus was not on only adding branches but also to help the underprivileged. "That includes elderly people who some of them are already under the care of the church," he said. "There is also a kitchen which we hope to be using soon. We want the elderly people of the area to have food and also give food to orphans and vulnerable children." He thanked the church members for having faith and supporting the bishop’s vision. "It is not easy to believe in someone but I must say there are people who have chosen to listen to God when He told them to join the church," he said. "Since then, they have never looked back. They have been supporting the bishop’s vision through prayer and financially and this is greatly appreciated." Over E300 000 raised MANZINI – Over E300 000 was raised during the Divine Healing Ministries dinner. Among the companies that had sponsored the event were Progress Stationery, SwaziBank, First International Investment (FII) and the family that operates Dups Funeral Homes and Undertakers. During the dinner, FII pledged a sum of E160 000 and this was their contribution towards building of the Mbabane auditorium. Julias Matsebula who represented FII said after seeing the good things the church was doing, they saw it proper to contribute towards the good cause. "We will sponsor the church to the tune of E160 000," he said. "The work done by the church is commendable. We will continue giving support whenever it is needed," he said. Meanwhile, Bishop Nash Shongwe said he never thought the company would contribute so much money towards the project. "As a church, we would like to thank FII for giving us so much money," he said. "We were not expecting such a contribution. I urge all our members and the nation to support the company as they have proved that they support God’s work." He also thanked all those who attended the dinner saying their contribution was for a good cause. "We will continue preaching and will also continue giving support to the needy," he said. "God willing, we will soon be opening our soup kitchen and this is where those who have no food will be fed and this will be done through your assistance."