Times Of Swaziland: Suicide woman was member of Mavovo's church Suicide woman was member of Mavovo's church ================================================================================ MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 09/07/2011 00:00:00 NGOWANE - The 28- year-old woman who took her own life after killing two of her three children wanted to sell a two-bedroom house but her in-laws allegedly refused to let her do that. The house was constructed by her late husband. She allegedly killed her two young children by poisoning them. This is contained in the suicide note she wrote before terminating her life and that of her two children. Deceased The deceased who lost her husband in 2003 was a member of Alamathiya Church in Zion headed by former Senator and businessman, Mavovo Mkhonto. In the note, the late Lindiwe Shongwe also stated that her in-laws were refusing her permission to sell the homestead which she jointly constructed with her late husband and this was frustrating her as she wanted to relocate to South Africa. Shongwe also stated that life was no longer a bed of roses for her which is why she wanted to relocate to South Africa. In the suicide note, she further asked her in-laws to take her 11-year-old son to one of her church pastors indentified as Mangwe. Poisoned The deceased poisoned her children Andile (8) who was a pupil at Ngowane Primary and Maye-nziwe (6). The only child who survived was Zwakele (11) who was at school when the death thoughts flooded her mother’s mind. Information gathered is that after taking the poison and realising that it was affecting her, she called one of the church members asking that she tells her pastor, Mavovo Mkhonto that she was not feeling well and that he must come and pray for her. Yes, she wanted to sell the house, says in-laws NGOWANE – Before terminating her life and that of her two children, the deceased had approached her in-laws about selling the homestead. This was confirmed by one of her in-laws, Sikelelela Sho-ngwe, who said during the day in question, Lindiwe, was not her usual self. He said they told her that they were still to meet as a family to discuss the matter and the meeting was slatted for Saturday (today). "When she approached me, she was not her usual self but I never suspected anything as we had assured her that the matter was to be discussed during the family meeting. We never anticipated that she can do such a bad thing," he said. Angry Shongwe said when she raised the issue of selling the house, they (in -laws) never ill-treated her and she never showed any signs of being angry. She was a Sunday school teacher, says Mavovo NGOWANE – The deceased was a Sunday school teacher at Alamathiya Church in Zion. This was disclosed by former Senator and businessman, Mavovo Mkhonto who is the leader of the church. He said her death was a great loss to the church as the deceased was a Sunday school teacher to over 100 children in the church. "It’s a great loss to the church and the community as she was someone who was active. Anticipated "Although she was a reserved person we never anticipated that she can end her life and that of her two children," he said Mkhonto asked those who might be willing to help the family during this period to contact him at 7602 3036. In the suicide note she stated that: l She wanted to sell the two-bedroomed house she jointly constructed with her late husband. l To relocate to South Africa as life was no longer a bed of roses for her at her matrimonial homestead. l That her 11-year-old son Zwakele who was doing Standard three at Ngowane primary be given to Pastor Mangwe who resides at Pigg’s Peak. l That she be allowed to go and reside in South Africa and continue with life as she was still young.