Times Of Swaziland: Indvuna Dibanisa is dead Indvuna Dibanisa is dead ================================================================================ BY MDUDUZI MAGAGULA on 11/08/2013 02:38:00 MBABANE – Indvuna Dibanisa Mavuso is dead. A member of the Mavuso family who asked not to be identified because the death had not been reported to the authorities confirmed that Mavuso was dead. Themba Ginindza the headman of Mbekelweni also confirmed the incident last night. He refered this reporter to the Mavuso family for more information pertaining to his death. According to the close relative who spoke to us, Mavuso died on Friday. Mavuso was the headman of the Nsuka Royal residence at Mbekewleni. Besides being a headman, he was also a traditional healer. He was once the Acting Governor of Ludzidzini around the year 2000. This was during the era when the governor Mphica Mtsetfwa was ill. His controversial reign only lasted until he was convicted for poaching. He lost the job after having served for three years as a powerful adviser to royalty. He was releaved of his duties because he was found hunting on a day when such was banned by His Majesty the king. The incident happened after Butimba a traditional hunting ceremony. He was found guilty of poaching three impala and was fined three cows. Many officials, including members of parliament, decried the lenient sentence, saying he should have been charged with a criminal offence. During his time as adviser, Mavuso made history when he ordered teachers’ union officials detained for protesting. He was powerful such that he summoned journalists, government officials and business leaders to account for their actions. He also threatened to fire High Court judges if they ruled against him.