Times Of Swaziland: Jericho Church disowns three indayela victims Jericho Church disowns three indayela victims ================================================================================ BY SAMKELO NGWENYA on 13/08/2013 04:17:00 MBABANE – The three Christians who died at Mashobeni South in the Shiselweni region are not members of the Jericho Red Gown Sect, the church headquarters has come out to clarify. It has since emerged that the deceased, who died after drinking a concoction known as indayela which was prepared by a member of the Jericho Church, were worshipping with members of the Red Gown Sect and were in fact members of the Zion Church. Speaking on behalf of the Jericho Church Headquarters at Ngcoseni, Senior Reverend Sotja Vilakati said Bishop Khanyakwezwe Vilakati sent some of his members to investigate the death of the Christians. “We found out that the deceased were members of a Zion church, not our members. It should be clear to everyone that they are not our members,” he said. The reverend acknowledged that the deceased were mingling with members of the Jericho Church. He said the incident claimed none of their members’ lives. ‘Indayela is foreign to the Red Gown Sect’ MBABANE – The Jericho Church says indayela is foreign to the Red Gown Sect. The church elders said they were shocked that one of their members reportedly prepared a concoction that killed two Zionist Christians. An elderly of the Jericho Church Headquarters at Ngcoseni, Reverend Sotja Vilakati, said indayela was not known, let alone used, in their church. “We know indayela as a concoction (siwasho) for another church not the Jerichos. “Our concoction is the soil called umcakaco; which the founder of the church was shown by the Holy Spirit,” Vilakati said. He observed that the youth of the church had a tendency to bring new practices in the church which were strange. “In our investigations, we found that the person who prepared the concoction is not even a reverend but a young member of the Jericho Church,” he said. Reverend Vilakati said they have always urged their members to refrain from foreign practices. Bishop Khanyakwezwe Vilakati shared the same sentiments with his brother, Reverend So- tja. He said members of the church should conduct themselves in a way that was good so that the reputation of the church is not brought into disrepute. The bishop said indayela was peculiar to them. “People should know that we worship the living God, hence we don’t use foreign substances in the church,” he said. I’ll never drink indayela again – Jericho priest MASHOBENI – Thulani Mabuza of Emaphik-ankhani Jericho Church has vowed that he will never drink indayela again. This is in the aftermath of the deadly incident where three Zionists died after drinking the lethal concoction he allegedly made. “In fact tomorrow I will be going to Baberton, South Africa for further medical treatment. From that trip, I can assure you that I will be preaching a different gospel about the consumption of indayela to church members,” he said. The cleric was speaking to this publication yesterday, upon his return from a hospital situated near Piet Retief in South Africa. He said at this particular hospital, he was told that the concoction severely affected his liver. He was advised to go to another hospital in Baberton for further medical attention. Mabuza said the tragic incident has taught him a lesson he will never forget. He said the fact that people have died in the aftermath of drinking the concoction, has made him change his mind about indayela. He told this publication that the concoction is drunk by church members in order to be anointed by the Holy Spirit. He said it enhances them during prayer. “We usually felt a little bit different after drinking indayela as it gave us more energy to enhance us when praying,” he said.