Times Of Swaziland: Oops... soldiers confuse SASCO building for sex den Oops... soldiers confuse SASCO building for sex den ================================================================================ BY ZWELAKHE MOAHLOLI on 24/08/2013 03:19:00 MBABANE – Two soldiers were allegedly caught in a compromising position at the incomplete Swaziland Association of Savings and Credit Cooperation (SASCO) building. The abandoned building is situated just above the Mall along Makhosini Road overlooking the Mbabane Bus Rank. The soldiers, Bhekimpi Dlamini (28) of Mkhuzweni and Sindisiwe Hlophe (30) of Bethany, who are based at Nkoyoyo, were allegedly caught in the act by police on May 19, 2013. Upon being caught, Dlamini is alleged to have resisted arrest by refusing to board the police vehicle. He is further said to have tried to escape but was caught before exiting the building. apprehended After they were apprehended, the couple was charged with public indecency in that they unlawfully and intentionally had sexual intercourse in a public place. Dlamini was further charged with resisting arrest. Dlamini and Hlophe, in the company of their lawyer who was identified only as N. Ginindza appeared before Magistrate Siphosini Dlamini at the Mbabane Magistrates Court yesterday. Ginindza moved a bail application for the couple, which was duly granted by Magistrate Dlamini. Bail was set at E500 for each of the accused. laughter The magistrate sent members of the gallery into a fit of laughter when issuing bail conditions. He warned that the couple should not be found committing a similar offence of having sexual intercourse in public. Before resumption of court, Dlamini, who was wearing a greenish suede jacket and a pair of blue jeans, would be seen whispering to Hlophe, who sat about a metre away. And when the court adjourned, the couple walked side by side before boarding a police vehicle which was stationed at the entrance to the court.