Times Of Swaziland: MTN trying to stretch court order - SPTC MTN trying to stretch court order - SPTC ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 30/08/2013 01:57:00 MBABANE – The Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation said MTN Swaziland was attempting to extend the ambit of the court order so that it included the former’s new products. This is contained in their responding affidavit which SPTC filed at the High Court before Judge Mumcy Dlamini. SPTC further submitted that the allegation by MTN Swaziland that they have deliberately breached the court order was unfounded. “Whether the first respondent’s (SPTC) products are mobile has given rise to a major dispute of fact on the papers. To the extent that the applicants now seek to have a new dispute resolved in a court of law, it is submitted that this honourable court should decline to exercise its jurisdiction because the parties have already agreed that the disputes between them should be referred to arbitration. Whether the products complained of are part of the mobile component of the first respondent’s network, as alleged, is at least in part a question of fact. The allegation is hotly refused,” argued SPTC lawyers.