Times Of Swaziland: KING WARNS ARMY ON TAKING BRIBES KING WARNS ARMY ON TAKING BRIBES ================================================================================ BY SISHO MAGAGULA on 22/03/2014 04:45:00 NOKWANE – His Majesty King Mswati III yesterday sent a stern warning to members of the Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force (USDF) to avoid the temptation of accepting bribes. The King, who is also Commander – in – Chief of the army, was speaking during the Army Day and pass-out parade of the over 700 recruits at the army headquarters at Nokwane. Congratulated His Majesty sent the warning as he congratulated the new recruits and warned them to be diligent in their duties as full time soldiers. He said being a soldier was a full time job and said members of the army are on duty 24/7. The King described being a soldier as a calling. “Masotja, the job you are doing is a calling that places you on duty 24/7. The life of a soldier requires total commitment to duty and we expect no less than utmost loyalty to all official structures of the state. Abafuneki bomalwelwe emasotjeni, kufuneka bantfu labatawuhlala ba alert ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. Your mind must work like that of a soldier and not like a programmed robot that needs to be always told what to do,” he said. His Majesty said soldiers must be ready to defend and protect the country from all illegal activities, be it illegal immigrants, smuggling of goods, narcotics, theft of items such as cars and cattle. Peaceful “Never give into the temptation of bribes to allow these criminals actvities to permeate our peaceful environment. If you bring the name of the organisation into disrepute – then you are misplaced in the military. Ungatsi nawuwedvwa usemasitseleni bese wenta kwakho lokutawumangalisa kutsi sewentani ke lo. “Protecting key strategic national areas is also paramount to your responsibilities. The success of this task lies with the individual soldier executing his or her part by applying maximum effort at work,” His Majesty said. The King implored the soldiers to work with dilegence, pride, honesty and respect as this would bring good dividends to their military career. He advised them to keep in shape and avoid being overweight. Important “One of the important attributes of a soldier is remaining in good physical shape. The drills you have performed here today have been executed very well because of the good physical condition you are all in. Maintain this condition at all times in order to meet the demands of your new responsilities,” he said. His Majesty caused laughter when he said he had been informed that when they arrived at the Mbuluzi School of Infantry, some of the recruits were obese but he was happy to note that they were now slim and in good shape. The King said yesterday’s event, which also marked 41 years of existence for the country’s army, was a reminder of the important role that the armed forces play in keeping the country’s citizens safe and secure. “From this safety, we are able to harness the requisite peace which creates a conducive environment for national development. Dedicate “A conducive environment is, therefore, a culmination of the commitment by men and women who dedicate themselves to serve and protect their country for the greater benefit of all its citizenry. “This is what makes today’s event an important one – not just for the new recruits who are passing out today – but for all the people of Eswatini,” he said.