Times Of Swaziland: BUS FARES TO REMAIN UNCHANGED FOR 2 weekS BUS FARES TO REMAIN UNCHANGED FOR 2 weekS ================================================================================ BY SIBONGILE SUKATI on 25/03/2014 04:34:00 LOBAMBA – For the next two weeks commuters can relax as bus fares will not be increased. This, after Members of Parliament yesterday resolved that the amended Regulations which call for a 50 per cent increment in public transport fares be referred back to the relevant ministry’s portfolio committee. Although only three Members of Parliament debated the proposed increment it was clear from those who had the floor that the matter was a hot potato. Deputy Speaker Esther Dlamini was the first to speak against the proposed increase. “The 50 per cent increment is too high because the money which is supposed to come from the commuters has not been supplemented, such as the salaries of textile workers and domestic workers,” said Dlamini. Dlamini said she was not even going to engage the matter of civil servants because it was clear that they would not be getting an increase this financial year. Arrive “How did they arrive at this figure because the salaries do not reflect the same?” wondered Dlamini. Manzini North MP Jan Sithole said such a huge hike would lead to deaths, especially of the elderly. “These elderly people will die in their homes because they will not be able to afford such fares,” Sithole said. He said the elderly grants and those of persons living with disabilities had not been increased either yet government had proposed a 50 per cent increase. “We cannot be part of these huge hikes because this will cause disturbances and protests in the country,” said Sithole. In vernacular he said “kutobanga umsindvo eveni”. He called for the review of the 50 per cent hike and wondered why government had taken so long to revise the fares. He said the commuters were now expected to shoulder the blame. Ludzeludze MP Bambumuti Sithole, who declared that he was in the public transport industry, said transport was one way in which the country could achieve the vision of attaining First World status by 2022. “I will speak from an informed position and to get to 2022 we will need buses, taxis and kombis which are fit for that time,” he said. Bambumuti said it was unfortunate that the commuter would have to foot the bill to maintain such vehicles. He said the non-increase since 2007 had hit operators very hard and stated that in South Africa the price of petrol was expected to hit E16 per litre in May. He argued that government had to make means in which the fares would be increased on a steady basis not the decade it took. He said in 2007 it had gone up by 300 per cent and it was staggered. Bambumuti said in South Africa transport was subsidised and, therefore, government should do the same. After his submission appointed MP Thuli Dladla moved that the matter be taken back to the portfolio committee which was given a time frame of two weeks to talk to stakeholders and table a report. MP Joseph Souza, who is also a public transport operator, caused laughter when he submitted that the increase was not much, but only 50 per cent. The MPs laughed because Souza had been asked to support the motion after the original seconder Siphofaneni MP Gundwane Gamedze was not in the House. The mover of the motion Mhlangatane MP Mbalekelwa Ndwandwe was against the hike. “They did not ask for much please give them what they want,” said Souza. Attorney General Majahenkhaba Dlamini advised Ndwandwe that he had a right to remove Souza as his seconder stating that just because an MP declares that he has an interest in a matter it did not give him or her the licence to debate willy nilly. The MPs resolved that the portfolio committee of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport should table a report within two weeks before the matter was debated in the House.