Times Of Swaziland: PARLY POORLY RUN - KUSA PARLY POORLY RUN - KUSA ================================================================================ BY SENZO DLAMINI on 31/03/2014 05:46:00 MBABANE – Senator Prince Kusa has punched holes in the administration of Parliament. This is contained in the responses tabled by the Prime Minister’s office in Senate last Monday. Deputy Prime Minister Paul Dlamini tabled the written responses on behalf of Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini, the Prime Minister, who was away in a week-long honeymoon in the Republic of Seychelles and Dubai. Prince Kusa, the Chief of Mdumezulu Royal Kraal, is a member of the Senate Portfolio Committee responsible for the Prime Minister’s office. He expressed his concern on the general running of the august House. The senator, in his submission, felt that the institution was not properly run administratively. “What is currently happening here is totally different from the dictates of the Constitution,” he noted. The prince highlighted that the annual performance report of the PM’s office was silent on the operations, activities and resolutions of the Parliamentary Service Board (PSB) – a body established by the supreme law of the land. Prince Kusa wanted the premier to explain if the PSB had not been active or the omission of its activities was intentional because it was not recognised by the administration. The head of government, in response, stated: “The commitment of the Parliament Administration to high quality is undermined by the shortage of resources. Furthermore, the existence and operation of the Parliamentary Service Board is provided in the Constitution.” The PM, in his written responses, told the members of the portfolio committee that there was indeed the need for an enabling legislation to clearly outline the powers of the PSB. The prince also noted that Parliament was not efficient enough and said this was not to mean that the staff was not skilled, but because of lack of resources to efficiently execute their duties. He wanted to know if there were any concerted efforts being done by the PM’s office to ensure that there was efficiency in Parliament. The premier responded: “In the past two years, Parliament’s budget was reduced resulting in the inability to undertake all planned activities. However, consultations are ongoing with key ministries (Finance and Public Service) regarding the pressing need for resources for the smooth operation of the Legislature.”