Times Of Swaziland: ‘CHAKA CHAKA’ TELLS COURT WHY HE WAS SUSPENDED ‘CHAKA CHAKA’ TELLS COURT WHY HE WAS SUSPENDED ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 28/01/2017 08:44:00 MBABANE- The cat is now out of the bag. Matsapha United FC Coach Mateus Joaquim Manjate popularly known as ‘Chaka Chaka’ has told the Industrial Court that his suspension from the club was for allegedly being involved in an illicit relationship with a married woman. The coach has taken the club to court seeking to be reinstated into his position as Head coach and also want the court to stop his Disciplinary Hearing slated for Monday and access to the clubhouse. The woman Gcinaphi Dlamini happens to be an aunt to one of the players in the team. It is alleged that in many instances, one of them being on the eve of an official match he brought the woman to the team’s house. The management of the team stated that they viewed this as serious misconduct. This has resulted in the management of the team charging him with gross misconduct. “After considering many options and many avenues regarding the above matter, we have resolved to suspend you without pay. Furthermore, we view it in your best interest that you resign from the team to protect your name and integrity on the evidence available at hand,” reads part of the letter that was written to the coach by the team’s acting Chief Executive Officer Victor Dlamini. Pursuant to the suspension, the coach has been invited to attend a disciplinary hearing scheduled for Monday starting at 9am at Madala Lodge, Kwaluseni. According to the notice of the hearing Manjate is expected to answer on the charge of misconduct preferred against him.