Times Of Swaziland: WHO THE FA CAP FITS, LET HIM WEAR IT! WHO THE FA CAP FITS, LET HIM WEAR IT! ================================================================================ BY Lwazi's Pandora's Box on 20/06/2017 01:22:00 My dearest readers ... “A good politician is quite unthinkable as an honest burglar,” once said American Essayist, LH Mencken. He must have had our National Football Association of Swaziland (NFAS) presidential elections this Sunday in mind. Three men namely, Mashumi Shongwe, Adam ‘Bomber’ Mthethwa and Timothy Shongwe are vying for the post of being the head honcho of the country’s football this Sunday at Sibane Hotel. Well, the battle for the soul of Swazi football, started many moons ago – as early as last year, so to speak. From the moment the NFAS leadership told the Vice President Mashumi Shongwe to resign as he had been nominated for the Shiselweni Regional Football Association (SRFA) elections based on the strength of their constitution that he cannot hold two positions at the same time, the battle had begun. He had not won the election and it was pre-emptive of the NFAS to say Shongwe should resign. It was a plot to throw him out of the gravy train. Shongwe, a unionist, saw through the underhand tactics by the FA leadership and stood his ground. The FA had clearly put the cart before the horse. They went ahead and suspended him. He won the Disciplinary case but the FA lodged an appeal. No prizes for guessing that the Appeals Board found him guilty and he was banned for a year, which meant he would not have stood for Sunday’s elections. He approached the highest court in the land for legal redress. Last week, he earned another massive win over the NFAS as the high court set aside the ban allowing him to stand for Sunday’s election. They don’t say a plan hatched in hell has no angels as witnesses for nothing!