Times Of Swaziland: THE END IS NIGH FOR DE JONGH! THE END IS NIGH FOR DE JONGH! ================================================================================ BY Lwazi's Pandora's Box on 15/08/2017 00:36:00 My dearest readers ... Bailiff! All rise, the highest court in the land will now hear, case number: 24/07/2017, at Court B, the State versus Pieter De Jongh and Adam ‘Bomber’ Mthethwa with honourable Judge Lwazi Knowledge Manqoba Dlamini presiding. COURT GALLERY: (He is still here lo-De Joke wakhona; solo akahambi kantsi ... usehleti leni ... we hired him to coach the team not kutokhuluma nge-diet ... De Jongh must go, finish n’ klaar) JUDGE: Silence in court! This is my court, not a shisanyama set-up or a chaotic WFA AGM. If you misbehave or make noise, I will throw you out of my court good people. It’s good to be back in this court to proceed with this case after a two-week recess. Even this honourable judge needs an off-season. Witnesses and accused persons are reminded that they are still under oath. In the event there is someone who has forgotten the charges, the court will direct the prosecutor to re-read the charges for the purpose of refreshing the minds of all the parties who might have forgotten. ACCUSED NUMBER ONE & TWO (De Jongh and Bomber): We still remember everything Your Honour. Thank you very much. PROSECUTOR (read Lenhle Masuku): My Lord, can I ask the court to amend the indictment as now we have now added another witness in the matter from the Gupta family (read PLS) as there were still investigations on their influence on the matter. The reason the accused person was not in the initial charge sheet was that investigations were still ongoing. Our main principle is to investigate and arrest, not to arrest and investigate hence the additional accused person from the PLS represented by its Chairman, Mr. Victor Gamedze, who is today before court. JUDGE LWAZI: We welcome Mr. Gamedze and we expect him to tell nothing but the truth. In the last session before we adjourned the case, we had been reliably informed that the National Football Association of Swaziland Executive Committee, which is the highest decision-making body like the ANC Big six, were due to meet in a retreat which was held at Esibayeni Lodge on July 28. Lead us through Mr. Masuku. PROSECUTOR (Read Lenhle Masuku): Your Lordship, as I had feared that the retreat would be nothing but a talk-shop where such an important matter of how the national team, Sihlangu has fallen into hard times and its downward spiral being only rivalled by Lilangeni in the currency graph – moving from position 88 to 139 now in the latest FIFA rankings – was supposed to be deliberated ended up being a non-issue as useless pleasantries like introduction of new Executive Committee members and pending FIFA Goal Projects were discussed. The Sihlangu matter, in particular why the FA wants to keep an inept coach like De Jongh in charge of Sihlangu, pay him a ridiculous E700 000 for the next game against Tunisia at home on March 27, 2018, was put in the back banner. This is the attitude that has seen our football take five steps forward and 15 steps backwards. Crucial matters are not given a priority but allowances and positions are important to our football administrators. They even knife each other at the back in order to put their hands on the levers of power without a care in the world with the results or the simple development of the game.