Times Of Swaziland: ATHLETICS DREAM SHATTERED BY GAMEDZE’S DEMISE ATHLETICS DREAM SHATTERED BY GAMEDZE’S DEMISE ================================================================================ BY SABELO GWEBU on 23/01/2018 01:31:00 MBABANE – Born an athlete, murdered businessman Victor Gamedze’s second love in sports was athletics. In the past Ingwenyama Cup, Gamedze ensured athletics were part of the tournament finals through exhibitions and splashed E40 000 for it. “He had promised us more. We were in discussion for a track and field event from this year on, then this. He wanted to take the idea further as he saw a good opportunity for our sport development,” said Athletics Association of Swaziland (AAS) President Gideon Mthembu who, together with his executive, was to meet Gamedze this week. Gamedze was a natural sprinter, nicknamed ‘Maradona’ in football circles; he had the speed of a cheetah. The gentle giant who was buried on Sunday morning at KaLanga outside Siteki represented Swaziland at the 1990 Commonwealth Games in New Zealand, doing both 100m and 200m events. “He was selected to go there despite him playing soccer at the same time. His love for athletics stems from his high school days and his early life. “This guy could do anything he would put his mind on. The soccer clubs won him because of the popularity, but confirmed with me that his other passion was athletics. We surely have lost a great sportsman, a guy who could contest the best achiever in sport and may his soul rest in peace,” Mthembu added.