Times Of Swaziland: SOCCER STAR BEATEN AT CORONATION PARK SOCCER STAR BEATEN AT CORONATION PARK ================================================================================ By Shwashwaza on 22/06/2018 23:42:00 Dubula dubula ... mawuphuma kasi dubula dubula ... bengitsi woza, woza nge number I am not a Kwaito Star, I am a hustler ... buza i-TS izokutjela kuthi Bouga Luv yinja ... u-Mdu makagibela phezukwendlu bengishisa i-TKZee nayidla bantwana ... bengishisa ... you can’t keep a good man down ... Wuwi sangena Gazi singena with a yesteryear favourite track of this naughty Shwashwaza Sports Crew titled ‘Dubula’ by that Pantsula-For-Life from TKZee. Gazi we are not saying people must just go around shooting people but we were reminded of this track phela when we heard how this left-footed talented midfielder of a top club desperately needed a gun to ward off a vicious attack at our phola place le-Coronation Park a fortnight ago. Phela Gazi, from time to time, we go to the park when we want to nurse a terrible babalazi and reflect nje on life in the serene place where kukhala tinyoni nje kuphela. Sometimes phela we are reminded of our high school days sisafundza e-Central of how we got naughty and drank that terrible gin bo-Rumanoff lebeyisishaya i-knockout noma singaba ngu-20 libhodlela linye nje la E35. Those were the days phela Gazi. Nyalo nga E35 Gazi ... woooo shem songatfola mabili nje nema sticks e-Courtleigh langafiki ku five. The economy is bad Gazi ngiko nje natsi sesitihlalela ka-make uyangichaza sincenge mabili matsatfu because phela with the World Cup 2018 le-Russia akuhlaleki etindlini as kubangwa nalama-remote labo-sisi lesihlala nabo bafuna kubukela bo-Generations ne-Sibaya. Such boredom. So sivele sitsatse short left siye e-Ngoje siyobamba mabili matsatfu and at least khona le 54cm ya-make uyangichaza has the soccer world cup games on and live. Gazi, phela singena ngalengoma ya-Bouga Luv nje letsi ‘Dubula’ we are reminded of how this left footed midfielder probably needed a gun to scare off three guys who openly attacked him the other day le-Coronation Park. The midfielder was apparently on his way to town via the park when the three men pounced on him like hungry monkeys on an unguarded maize field. They whipped him with a sjambok telling him point-blank to stop dating a married woman. They even shouted the name of the woman who is known to this column. Gazi, the midfielder was rescued by his Olympian pace as he dashed for dear life. For a moment we felt nje kutsi even lo-Swazi Bolt abengamfanisa. Maybe the real Usain Bolt bekangamzama. Uyabaleka lo-bhuti nge-speed Gazi. We always watched him in the centre-circle at the big team and thought he had no pace. Uyadlala Gazi umuntfu nasabona kufa ukhipha lekugcina lijubane. Sadly phela Gazi tsine we know the midfielder for dating soccer-mad women labatitsandzela bafana bekudula and why he was now being attacked for dating a married woman kwasetfusa kakhulu. We hope nje these are allegations Gazi because the soccer babe yebafana bekudula iyatitsandzela xem le-midfielder and it’s been years bajola. If anything tsine Gazi besesimele nje ema-invitation cards kulomshado. Phela they are our favourite couple – Posh and Becks. We can only advise bhuti kutsi he must avoid walking around such places and continue to train very hard because who knows when he will need his searing pace again. His new nickname from now onwards is: Eswatini Bolt ... Kliklikliklikliklikliklikli