Times Of Swaziland: WE ARE READY BAYETHE – ‘BULL’, ‘BUFFS’ WE ARE READY BAYETHE – ‘BULL’, ‘BUFFS’ ================================================================================ BY CHRIS DLAMINI on 16/03/2019 01:08:00 MBABANE – The lucrative football knockout tournament’s name Ingwenyama Cup explains itself – that is why tomorrow’s finalists Mbabane Highlanders and Young Buffaloes sang praises to His Majesty King Mswati III. In their pre-match press conference held at the sponsor Sincephetelo Motor Vehicle Accident Fund’s (SMVAF) premises in the capital city yesterday, both clubs’ coaches and captains opened their remarks by first expressing their utmost gratitude to the King for the tournament. “First things first, let us start by thanking the King for this great tournament he has given the nation. Bayethe! We’ve done our preparations and are ready for the final. It won’t be an easy game and Highlanders are a big team while we’re still growing so we’ll go there to fight with all we’ve got,” said Buffaloes coach Dominic Kunene. He said they did everything they had to do in their preparations but most importantly they were focused on the psychological part. “The players have to understand that it is a final but they must not put themselves under pressure. They need to play their normal football,” said Kunene, who further appealed to the nation and supporters at large to be on their best behaviour. “Let us all be respectful on the day. As for results, we have done our part and it will all be determined after the final whistle if we got it right or not,” he added. His captain and midfielder Mphile ‘Nyandoro’ Tsabedze declared that after they lost the title to three-time winners Mbabane Swallows in the second edition, he prayed to God and was heard. “God has given Highlanders as per my prayers. I lost to Mbabane Swallows and now I get Mbabane Highlanders, whom I left in 2006. Our fans must come in numbers with their families and further in the best conduct just like me since I joined Buffaloes. Respect is everything. In the end, on Sunday (tomorrow) we will lift this trophy. We are soldiers,” he said. Highlanders coach Saul Chaminuka also said he was grateful to be in the final of such a special and unique tournament and thanked the King for it before declaring his team was ready to dish its best as they were well prepared. “Bayethe Wena waPhakathi! This is a big tournament and the biggest final for Highlanders after a while. We are prepared and have done nearly everything. Knowing how important it is to the Cup is important for us and the players know very well. “So, come Sunday. We are ready and players know what to do. One can only say to our supporters at the stadium that they must do their job, play the 12th player’s role. We’ll see what happens but we’re ready and God will do the rest,” he said. He said he had the best players ready for the battle and all in good health. Captain and winger Xolani ‘Chocco’ Sibandze also expressed praise for the King and did not hide the pride they had to play in the Ingwenyama Cup final for the first time in its four years. invite “I thank our supporters for being there for us and I now invite them to the stadium. They must be safe on the road, don’t overload or drink and drive. There’ll be important people and guests at the stadium so respect is all we can ask for. We’re ready and every player is looking forward to the match. “We’ve played draws with Buffaloes in the league but conceded a silly goal in the second round when we were ahead so this time our fans must come in numbers to support us and know that we’re hungry for the trophy,” he said. Sibandze further encouraged them to accept any result at the end of the day as one team must win and the other lose but emphasised this did not mean they would lose. The final kicks off at 3:30pm but there will be social football games before as well as the culture finals from 9am until 10:30am.