Times Of Swaziland: ESWATINI 5KM BRINGS HOPE TO ABUSE SURVIVORS ESWATINI 5KM BRINGS HOPE TO ABUSE SURVIVORS ================================================================================ Ntokozo Magongo on 24/09/2019 08:24:00 MANZINI – A sexual abuse survivor almost brought tears to runners when she shared how she was sexually abused by her father. This was during the Eswatini 5km run on Saturday at the Manzini Church of the Nazarene premises. The race objectives are to prevent domestic abuse, helping the survivors and championing positive biblical values by the Church of the Nazarene. This was the second edition of the race. Futhi* and Mandla* were bold enough to stand in front of the over 500 runners to narrate how they endured abuse while under the care of their parents. Futhi is now benefiting from the Eswatini 5km initiative, while Mandla is a pupil at one of the local schools. Abuse “Standing before you is one victim of sexual abuse. When I was doing grade 6 my own father started raping me until I was in Form I. Now I’m in Form III and I’m grateful to my cousin who rescued me. My father threatened me and I had nowhere to run to until my cousin rescued me. Now I’m getting counselling which is being paid for through the Eswatini 5km,” she said. Futhi then thanked all runners who attended the race and encouraged doing likewise even next year, as the race benefitted those who have suffered abuse. Golden Foot President Tokky Hou thanked all those who supported the race and said all the funds raised from the race would go to prevention and assisting domestic violence survivors. The race was also held in the USA the same day with the one in the country. *Not their real names as they are survivors of abuse.