Times Of Swaziland: REST IN POWER ‘MINDLOS’ REST IN POWER ‘MINDLOS’ ================================================================================ BY LWAZI DLAMINI on 09/04/2020 01:40:00 Sports Editor The first time I had a personal engagement with the dearly departed Mandla Dlamini, the late Mbabane Swallows Management Committee chairman, was when the red and white glamour side celebrated its 50th anniversary at the Prince of Wales in May 1998. I had just gone to the podium to pick my ‘Certificate of recognition’ from the chairman, Victor ‘Maradona’ Gamedze. Yours Truly and the then Eswatini Observer Sports Editor, Kenneth Dlamini were the only two sports journalists who were honoured on the day for the positive critique that has made Mbabane Swallows soar over the years’. He clasped my hand, as if I had scored a winning goal, then whispered briefly, ‘you are now one of us’. I gave him the kind of look that would have roasted a piece of sirloin steak in seconds. “No, no, no I am not a Swallows fan, I am an independent sports journalist!” I protested. We both laughed heartily afterwards. Later in the night as the finest from the Scottish distillers flowed like a river canal, we deliberated on many football issues, in particular how Gamedze had turned the Swallows brand around inspite of the resistance he had faced when he took over the chairmanship of the club. I reminded him of his earlier assumption – needless to say which is a mother of all F-words - which many people I have discovered appallingly over the years have fallen blindly into conclusion solely because of the mutual respect and friendship I shared with the all-too-powerful Gamedze. Being close to Gamedze translated to many of us, especially sports reporters being Swallows ‘fans’, to many hare-brained people, most of whom hated Gamedze with a purple passion. Frankly this is silly, to put it mildly, and an insult to our intelligence. Until he passed away on Tuesday morning, Mandla was an avid reader of the State-of-the-nation-Sports-Address (SONSA) column and would time and again either praise or criticise especially where he felt his beloved Swallows were not getting the recognition they deserved whom he proudly boasted were a ‘team of the decade and trend-setters’. Opinionated Very smart, opinionated but very fair gentleman, which I want to conclude is the edifying character which sets apart most people who support this great institution founded in 1948, from the rest. That’s why every phone call, every conversation we had was worth my while because, believe it or not, through him God demonstrated how a brilliant mind, a beautiful heart and a soul that never relents, worked in concert. His contribution to Swallows’ success over the years, having been part of three different chairmen – Bheki Simelane, Victor Gamedze and now Bheki Lukhele as a member of the Elders Council – might not have been recorded or even noted because people like him work behind the scenes. They do not don a soccer jersey or make public pronouncements on media platforms. Like a turtle, they work feverishly underground yet their contribution is invaluable. Tales are told of how he used to personally pay for the team’s camp costs when it was destined to play games in Pigg’s Peak. Mandla, resplendent in red and white regalia, went wherever his beloved Swallows played even at time when it was visible his life was ebbing away. He celebrated every win with gusto and would have a face like thunder when Swallows’ wings had been clipped. I still have a vivid picture of him, behind the club dressing room, looking care worn and run down after Swallows were beaten 1-0 by bitter rivals Highlanders on January 12 for their first defeat since April 3, 2016 to their sworn enemies. “Eish, angati Lwazi ngitsini mnaketfu le-team yami kuyala mani,” he bellowed in his gravel weekend-was-hard voice. You had to be stone-hearted not to empathise with him. I calmly reminded him this is football, there are no guarantees. One thing I love about this exciting but low paying profession of ours is that we get to meet people from all walks of life who impact our lives in different ways. I consider myself privileged to have come up close and personal with such a kind-hearted man and a devout football supporter who understood that football was a game of opinions. We agreed to disagree on many topical issues because believe me you, arguing with him involved all the elements of wrestling with a greased pig at a Village Fair especially if he felt his beloved Swallows were under-looked or undermined. He had the Swallows badge tattooed to his heart, no doubt about that. In his eyes, Swallows could do no wrong and deserved to win all trophies on offer. Farewell ‘Mindlos’, you have run your last mile. Endorsed I know that since you have joined the Heavenly Swallows FC, you will once again be given the task of being chairman of the Management Committee by the club chairman, Bheki Simelane and your name will be endorsed by the secretary of the Board of Directors Victor ‘Maradona’ Gamedze. Team PRO, Sibusiso Manana will announce your appointment in a press conference attended by the Heavenly Times represented by Musa ‘Chicken’ Magagula. Please tell Friday ‘Paras’ Shongwe, Pius ‘Mkhari’ Dube, Patrick ‘Nkola’ Mkhwanazi, Pat Greenhead, Collin Ntiwane, Nqaba Dlamini, Wilton ‘Baggio’ Magaya, Chillies Shongwe, Ronnie ‘Valiant’ Dube, to name but a few of the pathfinders of this great club, that football is poorer without them. Rest in power Ncolebovu…..