Times Of Swaziland: HOME-MADE PUNCHING BAGS USED HOME-MADE PUNCHING BAGS USED ================================================================================ BY NTOKOZO MAGONGO on 05/05/2020 00:57:00 MBABANE – Desperate times call for desperate measures. This idiom holds true for local boxers who have turned to home-made punching bags, in their attempt to keep physically fit under the lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Zebra Force Boxing Club pugilists are among those who are working hard at home during the lockdown and they are using a home-made punching bag. Assistant coach Nathi Dlamini said it was the only way to go as they could not go to their training station but they had to work at home during the lockdown. Made “Some boxers have made their own punching bags to train at home. “You use a sack and put whatever that will make you comfortable when you hit. “Usually its river sand that we put inside the sack and it works wonders. We encourage the boxers to at least spend about 30 minutes non-stop punching the bag,” he said. Dlamini said they also boost their physical fitness by running while making sure that they follow all the precautions put forward by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and government in the fight against COVID-19, especially social distancing. “Lennox Lewis, former Heavy weight champion’s rule number one is protecting yourself all the time. “Whether you’re inside of the ring or outside it doesn’t matter, during a confrontation protect yourself, keep your hands up and keep proper distance between yourself and your opponent. “In our boxing language as we are facing COVID-19, lets protect ourselves all the time. Wash Keep your hands up (wash your hands regularly) keep proper distance between yourself (social distancing) is a must and train at home,” he said. Dlamini assisted the duo of Thami Ngema and Mbongiseni Gumede during the lockdown with their training routine.