Times Of Swaziland: NATASHA LOST 15.6KG IN SIX WEEKS NATASHA LOST 15.6KG IN SIX WEEKS ================================================================================ BY PHOLSILE HLOPHE on 05/09/2020 08:47:00 MBABANE - If you want something that you have never had, then you need to do something that you have never done. Logically, in order to achieve a different result then you need to employ a different strategy. A lot of people who face challenges with their weight can attest that they once attempted to lose the extra weight on their own but eventually threw in the towel because it appeared too hard for them to do on their own accord. Reality has it that once they relapse, they head straight back to their toxic habits, binge on unhealthy food and pile up even more weight than what they weighed before. For 25-year-old Natasha Reissmann, seeking help from a professional coach became key for her in achieving the results she failed to achieve on her own. A journey that started about six weeks ago has seen her lose 15.6kg to date. Unbelievable and quite shocking, isn’t it? Well, join us as we celebrate her successful weight and fitness transformation. This could be the kick-start you need to transform your own life. Let’s hear what she had to say… Name: Natasha Reissmann Age: 25 Place of residence: Mbabane When did you start training and what was the motivation behind? I started training on July 27, 2020 with my personal trainer Arnaldo Barbaso at Transformation Studio Sidwashini. The motivation behind was to get to my desired body weight. What was your weight then compared to now? I weighed over 115kg and I am now at 99.4kg. What challenges did you encounter when you started focused training and how did you managed to overcome them? My first challenge was waking up at 3:30am to get ready for gym by 4:30am but then as time went by I got used to it because I wanted to change the way I looked. What type of exercises do you do? My routine is strength training, cross-fit, flexibility and stretching. What are your fitness and weight goals? My fitness and weight goals are to be slim and toned. My target weight is to weigh a lot less than 70kg. What nutritional changes have you made since you started on your weight loss journey? This journey meant eliminating sugary things. It is all about following my balanced diet, one containing plenty of fruits, vegetables and wholes grains. What is your personal slogan that keeps you motivated when the going gets tough? I always tell myself that the pain I feel today will be the strength I feel tomorrow, a motivational quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger. How can you advise people who are faced with weight issues but lack the motivation to start weight loss training? First find motivation to be able to work on your body goals and then be determined to get through the process even though there will be ups and downs that’s for sure. Lastly, never give up because surely at the end of your journey you will be very happy with your results and transformation. How has your life changed now that you have lost the weight and are living a healthy lifestyle? I feel more confident and lighter as if something has been lifted off my shoulders. I am happy with my progress so far and will keep pushing until I get to my desired goals. The coach’s corner: Name: Arnaldo Barbosa Contact: 7860 8684/7860 8684 Where can people find you: Teas farmers Blast and Burn Studio at Sidwashini (Litsemba Street) Tips from the coach: “Your mental image defines what you will work towards. What is your reason for getting out exercising in the first place? Is it so your clothes fit better, or to be able to ski this winter without dying on the slopes? “Developing a strong mental image that is specific and positive will help motivate and guide your decisions. Nobody eats enough good food. This one is huge, as most of us are on a perpetual diet, and pride ourselves on not eating, or skimping along with a minimal meal in order to splurge later. Wrong! “By 1pm, you should have already eaten breakfast, a snack, lunch, and be getting ready for another small snack. You need to take a counter intuitive approach to your diet and until you start eating, the diet cycle can trap you. Your body adapts to everything. “This applies to your diet and exercise, or lack of it. If you start walking a route in your neighbourhood and think you can just do that forever- wrong! Ever noticed you start on new cardio equipment at the gym and it is hard to get through 20 minutes, but after a month you are hardly out of breath? “That means it is time to mix it up and do something new. Try rowing, or stairs. The word ‘Carbs’ is a misnomer for dieting. If you are taking all carbs out of your diet, you are depriving yourself of one of the four necessary nutrients for your body, as well as vital B complex vitamins and critical fiber. Complex carbs contain valuable nutrients responsible for energy production. Cut out the simple processed carbs like cookies or crackers, and replace with plenty of whole grains, oatmeal, or brown rice. “Memories dictate bad habits. Ever wonder why you buy the same things over and over again at the store? Do you buy chocolate Oreos because your mother did? It’s time to change up the menu. Replace those frozen waffles with homemade with fresh blueberries, or forget the top ramen and make a quick soup that is simple and delicious. Face up to your personal statistics. This one really woke me up. “Rather than just knowing your weight on a scale or your size of clothes, do you know your body fat percentage, your basic heart rate or the number of maintenance calories you should be eating for your age? You can hire a personal trainer one time, to help you assess exactly what you need to know.”