Times Of Swaziland: STUDIO-Z PILATES BREAST CANCER AWARENESS PICNIC STUDIO-Z PILATES BREAST CANCER AWARENESS PICNIC ================================================================================ BY PHOLSILE HLOPHE on 14/10/2020 00:40:00 MBABANE – What better way to educate the nation about breast and cervical cancer than a Pilates training session? Sports bring people together and this is one of the best platforms to raise awareness about breast and cervical cancer. Studio-Z women only gym’s coach and bodybuilder Zama Potgieter has invited the nation to wear their best pink outfits and join a Pilates training session and family picnic scheduled for Malandelas’ Lodge on October 31, 2020, starting at 9:30am. Participation fee is E200 per head. The session will be choreographed by Studio-Z member Carla Jele. awareness October is dubbed the global breast cancer awareness month and the goal is to educate people about breast cancer and to support those infected and affected by the disease. Half of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the Swaziland Breast and Cervical Cancer Network. The guest speaker for the day is Doctor Xolile Mabuza. Portgieter, who is set to take the stage in the Mrs Africa pageant in South Africa next year, encouraged the nation to support this noble course as breast cancer is a universal subject. “This is a good time to stand united in health and fitness while supporting those battling with cancer and remember the fallen heroes,” said Potgieter. In the past years, Studio-Z gym members celebrated the breast cancer awareness campaign by hosting Pink Wednesday boxing and body conditioning session’s fitness factory located at Hhelehhele in the out skirts of Manzini. Despite this being a gym exclusively for women, men were also welcome since breast cancer is indiscriminative of gender. For bookings, Potgieter can be contacted on 7670 2959.