Times Of Swaziland: POST-SURGERY EXERCISE CALLS FOR CAUTION – DOCTOR COLE POST-SURGERY EXERCISE CALLS FOR CAUTION – DOCTOR COLE ================================================================================ Pholsile Hlophe on 28/12/2020 08:02:00 MBABANE – Working out or returning to the gym following surgery needs to be done carefully and correctly, or there could be a lot of pain and complications. Exercising after surgery can be very tough whether you are an active athlete, how you get back to the gym to rebuild your fitness, will depend on the kind of surgery you had. Resting is usually not contained in athletes’ vocabulary, but according to one American orthopedic sports medicine surgeon, Doctor Cole, there are a number of factors that will determine your post-surgery return to the gym, whether it’s running, riding, lifting, or lunging. Cole is the Chairman of Surgery at Rush Oak Park Hospital and a professor of orthopedics, anatomy, and cell biology at Rush University Medical Center. This special feature looks at five ways to make a comeback following surgery as per Doctor Cole’s advice. 1. PREPARE AND PLAN A well-thought-out plan on how to get there helps keep you on track and keeps you in line so you don’t overexert yourself. Over time, and as you heal, you may need to make some adjustments to your plan, but it’s still important to have one. Whether you’re working with a coach or physical therapist, or just going off of your surgeon’s direction, your plan should include a schedule of which activities are appropriate over a period of time. This also helps to avoid the frustration of feeling you’re not doing enough on any particular day. 2. MAINTAIN (OR IMPROVE) YOUR DIET Good nutrition will help keep you in shape, even if you’re feeling out of shape, and it can also aid in the healing process. Eating the right foods gives your body the raw materials it needs to boost your immune system, protect against infection, and help heal skin, nerves, blood vessels, muscle, and even bone. A nutrition coach can help, but otherwise, nature provides some pretty good direction on what you should eat to promote recovery. Research on BandGrip’s 8 Powerful Foods That Can Help Your Recover After Surgery. 3. FOLLOW DOCTOR’S ORDERS Even if you feel ready to roll, follow the schedule that you have been given by your doctor. If you do feel you are absolutely ready to level up, engage them. They can let you know whether or not adjusting your post-operative activity plan is an option and may be able to recommend some form of programme to work you up to higher activity levels.