Times Of Swaziland: TEAMS NEED ASSISTANCE WITH LICENSING TEAMS NEED ASSISTANCE WITH LICENSING ================================================================================ BY Lwazi's Chairman's chair on 29/04/2021 07:49:00 God knows it would not be an overstatement to say you would not pick Rudolf Matsenjwa in a meeting of beggars even with a magnifying glass. Such is the man’s humility and down-to-earth demeanour he would not hurt a straying fly. That’s why very few would know he is one of the longest serving members of the Premier League of Eswatini (PLE) Executive Committee and has been chairman of Tambuti FC for a chequered 23 years. He has been at the helm for Lubombo Zonal league, National First Division league and right up to the elite league. The former Manzini Wanderers striker, who was recruited to play for the maroon and white outfit alongside one of the renowned Mdluli brothers, Clement in 1985, is also a former Mbabane Arsenal player. Mbabane Arsenal are famous for being regarded as the ‘B-side’ of Mbabane Swallows. Matsenjwa has served under three different chairmen in the PLE. He served under the chairmanship of dearly departed businessman Victor ‘Maradona’ Gamedze, Peter ‘Touch’ Magagula and now Mark Carmichael. He believes the PLE has potential to grow to be an even bigger brand but the teams, in particular, need assistance to adhere to the tenets of the CAF Club Licensing Programme requirements. “Teams need assistance to quickly move to club licensing. This should enable teams to make money once they own all the advertising rights including billboards, digital, TV and broadcasting rights,” he says matter-of-factly. They do not say a team mirrors the image and personality of its leader as Tambuti FC does. The Lubombo based outfit is currently lying on 11th position on the log standings after a good start to the league. It has been punching above its weight over the years and managing to maintain its premier league status inspite of the shoe-string budget. Thanks to its chairman, Rudolf Matsenjwa, who has shown his ethical leadership and guidance, it is no surprise that the PLE affiliates (teams) have continuously voted him into the Executive Committee. That confidence and belief he is not taking lightly though he has no ambition, for now, of challenging for the chairmanship of the organisation. That on its own says a lot about the man and his principles. Ladies and gentlemen, today in the Chairman’s Chair, we have Tambuti FC Chairman, Rudolf Matsenjwa. Enjoy your reading.........