Times Of Swaziland: WORLD SOCCER GOVERNING BODY RAINS MONEY IN ... EFA’S E144.6M WINDFALL WORLD SOCCER GOVERNING BODY RAINS MONEY IN ... EFA’S E144.6M WINDFALL ================================================================================ Ashmond Nzima on 16/02/2023 08:44:00 MBABANE – It is raining more money for the Eswatini Football Association (EFA) under the world soccer governing body FIFA Forward support. Under the new FIFA Forward 3.0, all 211 member associations that include EFA will receive US$8 million (about E144.6 million in yesterday’s exchange rate) for football development and projects and operational support for the period 2023-2026. This is a 29 per cent increase from the previous cycle. According to a correspondence from FIFA, Up to US$5 million (about E90.4 million) for each member association will cover its operational costs in relation to football activities. The remainder (over E54 million) is for each member association to execute well-planned, specific football projects that contribute to the achievement of long-term football development objectives. Implemented Under FIFA Forward 1.0 and 2.0, projects implemented by EFA included the construction of technical centres in Lobamba, Mkhuzweni (Northern Hhohho) and KaLanga in Siteki, among others. “The four-year cycle to the end of 2026 is a direct consequence of the reinforced governance and financial situation of the new FIFA since 2016. A significant element of the investment will support FIFA’s goal of having 60 million female players participating in football worldwide by the end of the coming cycle,” reads the correspondence from FIFA in part. The grants were announced two days ago after a FIFA Forward 3.0 Programme meeting in Paris, France. EFA President Peter ‘Samora’ Simelane and Chief Executive Officer Frederick Mngomezulu were in attendance. The new cycle will provide increased investment, greater impact through the achievement of football development objectives and continued oversight to ensure that all funds are used responsibly,” said FIFA President Gianni Infantino. Assistance It does not end there, as EFA can access another E21.6 million. This is money for member associations that are identified as needing the most assistance to cover the costs of travel and accommodation for their national teams as well as football equipment. As with the previous editions of the programme (FIFA Forward 1.0 and 2.0), a contract of agreed objectives will be finalised between FIFA and each member association or confederation that will lay the foundations for the impactful and tailored development of football. Furthermore, FIFA will continue to provide non-financial support in the form of digital tools, as well as capacity-development expertise and opportunities for sharing knowledge. Control mechanisms are also defined in FIFA Forward 3.0 to scrutinise the use of the funds and report on their impact and legacy. EFA Marketing and Communications Officer Muzi Radebe’s phone repeatedly rang unanswered when sought for his office’s reaction on the latest developments. This publication wanted to establish lined up projects, where the money will be channelled to. However, on EFA website in was reported that Simelane and Mngomezulu attended the recently -executed FIFA Forward 3.0 Programme in Paris, France. This workshop was held between last Tuesday and Wednesday. “The main objective of this workshop was to review and to prepare the FIFA Forward 3.0 Programme. Part of the content on the agenda included the discussion of the framework required by FIFA, FIFA Department Projects, and child protection and the deployment of FIFA Safeguarding Toolkit. Internal Other topics included internal accountability, FIFA audits, member associations (Mas) relationships with governments, financial governance and capacity development,” shared EFA on its website. As part of the requirements for the EFA to be able to utilse the FIFA Forward 3.0, they must submit its new Contract of Agreed Objectives (CAO) on or before June 30, 2023 in order to apply for projects under the programme.