Times Of Swaziland: SCARA THINDWA, KFC START TO OLYMPICS – EOCGA/ESRC SCARA THINDWA, KFC START TO OLYMPICS – EOCGA/ESRC ================================================================================ Chris Dlamini on 18/02/2023 08:22:00 MBABANE – Development is the key word for Eswatini Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (EOCGA) and the Eswatini Sport and Recreation Council (ESRC). Sports demand development from a tender age to have the best athletes who can compete internationally and make an impact in big sporting events like the Olympics and Commonwealth Games. In their brief remarks yesterday at the Scara Thindwa Foundation Schools Games 2023, inside the Mountain View Hotel, both EOCGA and ESRC were represented. This was on Thursday afternoon. “Let me start by congratulating the foundation and its founder, Scara, whom I grew up hearing a lot about as he hoisted our flag in SA. I must also thank KFC Alliance because over E800 000 in one year is a serious sponsorship in Eswatini. Responsible “I grew up eating KFC and we used to save our pocket money to treat ourselves on weekend and now as EOCGA we are responsible for sending teams or athletes to international games. “I want to say this is where it all starts. Only these platforms can help us develop the future athletes who can represent us. We went to the Tokyo Olympics 2020 in 2021 and the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham last year, but it all starts from such development platforms as the Scara Foundation,” EOCGA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Maxwell Jele said in his remarks. He also noted that this was all happening at a time when EOCGA was set to open its new offices at Lobamba and also celebrate 50 years of existence next Saturday while the ESRC has the National Sports Awards lined-up. Commended Jele also commended the presence of the Education and Training Ministry, saying that also showed commitment from government, which was essential as this project can produce future Olympic stars. Meanwhile, ESRC CEO Darius Dlomo honoured Scara as the best ever soccer player Eswatini produced to date with Mangaliso ‘Man O Man’ Mdluli, his personal second best. “To say Scara played well is an understatement but he was exceptional, the best ever seen from our shores, the rest can follow.As ESRC, our hearts warm up for events that speak to the development of sports talent. This one is about unearthing legendary talent in soccer so it interests us. “If anything we should also be celebrating our past achievements because the foundation’s work is there, but no one is bringing it out yet they long partnered with schools and played tournaments. We need to know who is where and how they are doing,” Dlomo said. He pledged their support to the course and thanked KFC for the gesture, which he said would go a long way in impacting the country’s youth positively. Meanwhile, the Eswatini Football Association (EFA) Chief Executive Officer presented Scara, Foundation Chairman Reverend David Matse and KFC CEO Nigel England as well as Bheki Gama from Education and Training Ministry with the senior national team Sihlangu replicas. Additional information by Mengameli Mabuza