Times Of Swaziland: JILTED MAN HACKS, KILLS KIDS’ MUM JILTED MAN HACKS, KILLS KIDS’ MUM ================================================================================ Sibusiso Shange on 30/06/2023 07:31:00 MPOLONJENI - A jilted man brutally haked the mother of his two children, aged eight and two years, after a short argument at Mpolonjeni yesterday morning. Information gathered was to the effect that the 32-year-old man, who was allegedly armed with a bush knife, invaded his former lover Nothando Mabuza’s parental homestead just after her parents had left for work. Upon arrival at the homestead, the assailant allegedly demanded answers as to why Mabuza (30) jilted him, resulting in a heated argument. It is said that Mabuza managed to call her father with intent to inform him about what had befallen her. However, the deceased couldn’t utter a word as the assailant hacked her with the bush knife and the father only heard his daughter begging the assailant not to kill her. Estranged It has also been gathered that the father called his wife, who had also left for work, to check on their daughter in the house following the estranged call. The deceased’s mother called her neighbours to check on her daughter while she rushed to the house. The neigbhours, mostly women, met the assailant along the way as they rushed to the Mabuza homestead. The neighbours are said to have convinced the assailant to go back to the Mabuza homestead as he was known to be the father of Nothando’s children. However, upon arrival at the gate, the assailant is said to have fled the scene. The neigbhours are said to have found the deceased lying dead in a pool of blood with her hand and head cut off. During a visit to the Mabuza homestead yesterday, the deceased’s mother and some neighbours were found in a somber mood in the sitting room of the main house. In an interview, the deceased’s mother confirmed the death of her daughter. However, she said she could not comment on what actually transpired because she was not present when the incident happened. Confirmed She confirmed having been called by the deceased’s father requesting her to check on their daughter while on her way to work. “I had just dropped off my granddaughter at school when I received the call from her father. I called my neighbours to check on her because I was away. I found my daughter lying in a pool of blood before I got the versions from the people who were first to arrive at the scene,” she said briefly. The deceased’s mother also confirmed that her daughter had informed her about her decision to part ways with the father of her children. There was another version to the effect that a few days ago, the assailant and his brother drove to the salon where her daughter was employed to ask her why he jilted the assailant. It was also gathered that the deceased had also informed the assailants’ mother about her decision to move on with her life. Confirmed Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed a report of a 30-year-old woman who was found dead in a house at Mpolonjeni yesterday morning. Vilakati said police were investigating the matter. The act of killing women after jilting men has shown prevalence in the country and neibhouring countries. There have been numerous reports of men who have fatally wounded their former lovers after being jilted. On September 20, 2022, it was reported that a woman of Masekweni was killed together with her new lover by her ex-girlfriend, whom she had jilted. It was reported that the woman was stabbed 12 times all over the body.