Times Of Swaziland: HRFA WINS CASE, NO DYNAMOS IN PLAY-OFFS HRFA WINS CASE, NO DYNAMOS IN PLAY-OFFS ================================================================================ Thembinkosi Zulu on 04/07/2024 07:09:00 MBABANE –Royal Dynamos will not be playing in the Super League next season after the court dismissed their application challenging the play-offs. The Mbabane Promotional League side ran to court to challenge the Hhohho Regional Football Association (HRFA) for crowning the third respondent, (Double Action) as the League champions. They also had moved a motion seeking an order to have the match between them and the third respondent to be replayed. However, High Court Judge Sabelo Masuku dismissed the application. Criteria In the court order, it was cited that Royal Dynamos did not have the legal standing to bring the case to court. The court determined that the applicant did not meet the criteria necessary to be a party in the case. The court further highlighted that there was no need to pursue the rest of the points or enquire on the merit, because it was found that the applicant lacked legal standing. The ruling was as follows: *The application by the applicant is incompetent for lack of loci standi in judicio. *There is no need to pursue the rest of the points raised or to enquire on the merits of the case. *The matter is struck-off the roll; the court has no competency to adjudicate on it. *Costs on the ordinary scale ordered against Vulindlela, who deposed the founding affidavit.