Times Of Swaziland: DEADLOCK IN WANDERERS SAGA DEADLOCK IN WANDERERS SAGA ================================================================================ Machawe Fakudze on 09/10/2024 08:37:00 MBABANE – EFA and the Premier League of Eswatini (PLE) seem to have reached a dead end in their bid to solve the issue of Manzini Wanderers. According to an impeccable source, the Eswatini Football Association (EFA) referred the matter back to the PLE. The EFA’s Executive Committee (ExCo) reportedly met at Sigwaca House to deliberate on the ‘Weslians’ court order, this past Monday. “It’s true that the EFA executive committee held a meeting behind closed doors to talk about the case of Wanderers,” the source said.The source said the EFA ExCo resolved that they would write a letter to the PLE and advise them on the next step to take in solving the matter. This comes after Wanderers, through their legal representatives, SM Jele Attorneys, wrote to EFA requesting a turnaround time on the matter. This was after the PLE ExCo sought clarity on the court ruling from the EFA. The PLE ExCo was reacting to High Court Eswatini Judge Mumcy Dlamini’s judgment on the marathon relegation battle involving hub rivals Manzini Wanderers and Denver Sundowns. Dlamini passed her judgment, which went to the maroon and white hub giants’ favour. The judge, after she heard the parties, ordered that the decision of the first respondent (chairman of the EFA Appeals Board) dismissing the applicant’s appeal be reviewed and set aside.2024, Jimoh Moses was an ineligible player and, therefore, disqualified to play the match scheduled against the applicant on that day. Dlamini also said the second and fifth respondents (Chairman of the EFA Appeals Board and EFA) were ordered to do all act(s) necessary to remedy the irregularities of May 19, 2024. The PLE, reacting on the court order convened an ExCo Special Meeting at Sigwaca House days later, to deliberate on the order. The PLE then wrote to the EFA seeking clarity on how to deal with the matter. This is the reason the EFA was locked in a meeting on Monday to discuss the issue. The maroon and white hub giants are demanding to be included in the MTN Premier League fixture programme, as per the court order. EFA Marketing and Communications Officer Muzi ‘Rhoo’ Radebe, confirmed that the ExCo met to deliberate on the ‘Weslians’ issue, but was quick to highlight that he was not at liberty to comment on the outcome of the meeting. Meanwhile, PLE Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Pat ‘Kungumusa’ Vilakati could not be reached for comments, as his phone rung unanswered by the time this report was compiled.